For this trip we will be headed up North. Covering the northeastern states, along the coast line and inlet to the mountains.
First stop will be Andover Massachusetts. 30 miles west of Boston,this town is a small one with a population of about 9,000.
I like the smaller towns as well as the city. Each one has it charm. Traveling by car will give us a chance to cope out the area.
The next stop will be Prospect Harbor Maine. A quaint town in the Acadia Forest. We will be stay at a B&B that was built i the 1800,s and was a place for the elite to visit and watch the ocean front.
We will spend a day in Bar Harbour. Plan on Whale watching and enjoying the views and food. This will be our 36th Wedding Anniversary so,we are eating at a place with a water view and great local catches. Will be meeting up with family who are also traveling in the area.
The next day Onto New Hampshire and Vermont. Never been to those places. this will be a great place to see the covered bridges and great history of the area. After a week there, we will head to Saracuse, New York. There is a great resturant we are eager to eat at.
All our adventures will be posted here on this blog. Maybe even a couple on the On the Go blog in real time. be sure to follow to see the shares and details of our trip.
101 Auntie E Street, Bloggersville, USA
101 Auntie E Street, Bloggersville, USA
Welcome, Back door is open, come in a sit Aspell..Let's talk...
Welcome, Back door is open, come in a sit Aspell..Let's talk...
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Monday, July 22, 2013
Monday News:Technology and Family.
I have a Technology blog of sorts. Like to write all about the New technology items and well as Healthier lifestyles for us. Writing things from Solar option to Recycling options. Tend to throw in some Healthier choices for our bodies also. Notice that I have not been so active on the posting of things. Went to the Technology Conference with Hubby in New Orleans last month. Brought back some new knowledge of the newest tech toys. Will be sharing some of that on that blog site. Also brought back a new view and rejuvenated my technology interest. So stay tune and visit Living Healthy with Auntie E blog,
We had Critter and his family over for a cookout and family and friends time. Now for those who do not know Critter. He is my Grand nephew, lives with is G-Mother. She is my Ex sister in Law, now remarried and has a daughter, who is 12 now. Critters is now 9, he has been with them for most of his life. We live close and go to the same church. However with the church being so large and their business and kids activities, we seem to not be able to connect as we use to. So, this was great to see them at my home.
Now with my daughter off to college, we have been busy also. Traveling and working has multiplied it seems. Who says it get easier when the leave for college? It must be some one who isn't invested in their child much. We tend to see her at least once a month, sometimes more. Well Critter and the family hasn't seen her since last Christmas. So, we decided to have a Skype visit. The Kids and family enjoyed talking with her and seeing her. It was so funny because Critter had never skyped before and just couldn't figure out how to handle it. He always would run a hug her. He tried to do that by getting close to the camera. We had to tell him to back off so she could see him. I think that was the highlight of their visit. Maybe they will try to skype her more. Isn't technology Great!
We had a cookout and I made ice cream for Banana splits. Also made Mrs Peeples Baked beans. I will have to post that recipe on my Cookbook Blog. It really takes me back to Hubbies Family cook outs days.
Was able to catch up on all the going and comings of the families. We do talk on the phone, but talking in person is much better. The weather was much better, not as hot as it has been. That made it easier to sit outside and chat. Hubby bought me a Blue tooth speaker. That made it easier to listen to my Pandora music choice. Really love that steaming music choice. I listen to it all the time. Mostly from my Nook by Blue tooth now a days. Even though I do listen to it through the TV and Blue Ray player. With my New Nook it is easier to move around and the house and yard. Back to our chatting, a lot of changes in the family seems to be taking place. With the kids involved to sports and her business she is staying busy. Stating she is now what they call a Soccer Mom. Being in the car picking up and dropping off. Seeing the other Moms on the go as she passes them, waving hi. With only one child I never experienced that. It seems to be very time consuming. She feels a need for a bigger house, however stated that she is not there that much to make a difference. Yeah I guess it works as a lay your head down place. Like a hotel, only sleep there. Sounds funny but, isn't that the way it goes when our lifes as so busy.
Winded up the night siting outside talking. The night air was nice. Had a fan moving the air. Overall it was enjoyable time. Need to do it more! How was your weekend?
We had Critter and his family over for a cookout and family and friends time. Now for those who do not know Critter. He is my Grand nephew, lives with is G-Mother. She is my Ex sister in Law, now remarried and has a daughter, who is 12 now. Critters is now 9, he has been with them for most of his life. We live close and go to the same church. However with the church being so large and their business and kids activities, we seem to not be able to connect as we use to. So, this was great to see them at my home.
Now with my daughter off to college, we have been busy also. Traveling and working has multiplied it seems. Who says it get easier when the leave for college? It must be some one who isn't invested in their child much. We tend to see her at least once a month, sometimes more. Well Critter and the family hasn't seen her since last Christmas. So, we decided to have a Skype visit. The Kids and family enjoyed talking with her and seeing her. It was so funny because Critter had never skyped before and just couldn't figure out how to handle it. He always would run a hug her. He tried to do that by getting close to the camera. We had to tell him to back off so she could see him. I think that was the highlight of their visit. Maybe they will try to skype her more. Isn't technology Great!
We had a cookout and I made ice cream for Banana splits. Also made Mrs Peeples Baked beans. I will have to post that recipe on my Cookbook Blog. It really takes me back to Hubbies Family cook outs days.
Was able to catch up on all the going and comings of the families. We do talk on the phone, but talking in person is much better. The weather was much better, not as hot as it has been. That made it easier to sit outside and chat. Hubby bought me a Blue tooth speaker. That made it easier to listen to my Pandora music choice. Really love that steaming music choice. I listen to it all the time. Mostly from my Nook by Blue tooth now a days. Even though I do listen to it through the TV and Blue Ray player. With my New Nook it is easier to move around and the house and yard. Back to our chatting, a lot of changes in the family seems to be taking place. With the kids involved to sports and her business she is staying busy. Stating she is now what they call a Soccer Mom. Being in the car picking up and dropping off. Seeing the other Moms on the go as she passes them, waving hi. With only one child I never experienced that. It seems to be very time consuming. She feels a need for a bigger house, however stated that she is not there that much to make a difference. Yeah I guess it works as a lay your head down place. Like a hotel, only sleep there. Sounds funny but, isn't that the way it goes when our lifes as so busy.
Winded up the night siting outside talking. The night air was nice. Had a fan moving the air. Overall it was enjoyable time. Need to do it more! How was your weekend?
Friday, July 19, 2013
Time to Travel:We are making Plans again!
Well as you know, since daughter is off to college, Hubby and I have been vacationing. It seems we are always looking for some place to go. So far this year we have been to St Louis, Tennessee, Pennsylvania,Smithfield Virginia, New Orleans and Virginia beach. We still have several more coming up. Vermont, New York, Vegas and of course Pennsylvania and Virginia.
Just need to decide about December. Not sure where we are going. Just received the RCI book, need to look through it. I would love to go to Hawaii for our Winter trip. Will look into that for sure. I think I can talk everyone into to that place.
The next few days we will be booking the activities in Vegas. That trip will be in October. Trying to get tickets early as to know we can do the activities. Talked to the resort and found out we really do not need a car. I really like it when we do not have one. We seem to enjoy ourselves much more. While in New Orleans we did not use the car and really had fun! Others did the driving and we were able to walk to some things. We stayed near the French Quarter in the Warehouse district. So things were close to get to and the transportation was good.
Traveling can be fun and enjoyable when things are planed out in advance. Be sure to leave some down time for those spur of the moment things.
Are you planning any trips for this summer or the rest of the year? Where are you off too?
Just need to decide about December. Not sure where we are going. Just received the RCI book, need to look through it. I would love to go to Hawaii for our Winter trip. Will look into that for sure. I think I can talk everyone into to that place.
The next few days we will be booking the activities in Vegas. That trip will be in October. Trying to get tickets early as to know we can do the activities. Talked to the resort and found out we really do not need a car. I really like it when we do not have one. We seem to enjoy ourselves much more. While in New Orleans we did not use the car and really had fun! Others did the driving and we were able to walk to some things. We stayed near the French Quarter in the Warehouse district. So things were close to get to and the transportation was good.
Traveling can be fun and enjoyable when things are planed out in advance. Be sure to leave some down time for those spur of the moment things.
Are you planning any trips for this summer or the rest of the year? Where are you off too?
Monday, July 15, 2013
Monday News- Leisure time
I have to say that this Month started out an On the Go type month. May and June were both busy travel months. I think we was home about one week both those months. We were traveling so much between vacations and work. In May it was the college things. Daughter moving and squeezing in some mini vacations. Then back to moving in at college.
June started out on a airplane to New Orleans for eight days. Then once back, off to Visit daughter in Pennsylvania. A baseball game, dinner out and shopping. Then the next week off to Virginia beach, and Smithfield Virginia. I think we were at home for about10 days that month!
July was tempting to be a busy one also. A possible camping trip, a trip back to Virginia Beach, and helping with a move. However I just decided to say no! So this is how the month started out. First week we went to see a movie, The Lone Ranger. We went out to eat at Unos also.
On Monday hubby took my car in for new tires. Oh the dread of it all. Balancing can be so frustrating! I will never understand why it is so hard for business who supply new tires to be able to balance them correctly. It took three trips to two different places to get them balanced! When the final place tested them, they said all of them were out of balanced. Now we took it to the original place twice for balancing. The third place balanced them all well. I think this will be the last time to get tires for my car.
Still Car work to be done, so we took it to get new Shocks and Struts. Hubby had purchased some air shock a few years ago. He took them to get installed. However they were not good ones or maybe just old. Anyway, they would not work properly. We had to take the car back and replace one of them with a new Monroe brand shock. Then the other one started not working and had to take it back to replace that one also. That was three trips to another place! Meanwhile while we were working on the tire balancing, we found out that the alignment was off. So we took it back to the place that did the alignment and showed them the report. They said that their machine seems to be off. therefore they will have to get it fixed before they could realign the tires. That meant we ended up going to another place to get an alignment.
I wonder what happened to the car care industry? Why is it so hard to get good and reliable work done? I think we really need to find a reliable place and stick with them. Maybe it is the machines they rely on. One machine says good and the other says no good. Then the eye says the no good is correct. Well my car rides well now and in alignment, new balanced tires and shocks and struts working fine. After a week of working on the problems and three places later! Of and Lots of Dollars to boot!
Now into the third week of July and hoping for a quite week.
June started out on a airplane to New Orleans for eight days. Then once back, off to Visit daughter in Pennsylvania. A baseball game, dinner out and shopping. Then the next week off to Virginia beach, and Smithfield Virginia. I think we were at home for about10 days that month!
July was tempting to be a busy one also. A possible camping trip, a trip back to Virginia Beach, and helping with a move. However I just decided to say no! So this is how the month started out. First week we went to see a movie, The Lone Ranger. We went out to eat at Unos also.
On Monday hubby took my car in for new tires. Oh the dread of it all. Balancing can be so frustrating! I will never understand why it is so hard for business who supply new tires to be able to balance them correctly. It took three trips to two different places to get them balanced! When the final place tested them, they said all of them were out of balanced. Now we took it to the original place twice for balancing. The third place balanced them all well. I think this will be the last time to get tires for my car.
Still Car work to be done, so we took it to get new Shocks and Struts. Hubby had purchased some air shock a few years ago. He took them to get installed. However they were not good ones or maybe just old. Anyway, they would not work properly. We had to take the car back and replace one of them with a new Monroe brand shock. Then the other one started not working and had to take it back to replace that one also. That was three trips to another place! Meanwhile while we were working on the tire balancing, we found out that the alignment was off. So we took it back to the place that did the alignment and showed them the report. They said that their machine seems to be off. therefore they will have to get it fixed before they could realign the tires. That meant we ended up going to another place to get an alignment.
I wonder what happened to the car care industry? Why is it so hard to get good and reliable work done? I think we really need to find a reliable place and stick with them. Maybe it is the machines they rely on. One machine says good and the other says no good. Then the eye says the no good is correct. Well my car rides well now and in alignment, new balanced tires and shocks and struts working fine. After a week of working on the problems and three places later! Of and Lots of Dollars to boot!
Now into the third week of July and hoping for a quite week.
Monday, June 3, 2013
Second Day in New Orleans
The day started out having breakfast with hubby. The weather is rainy
off and on. Not too bad. This rain is like the Southern type. It rains
and then it is gone and there appears to not be puddles. The rain is
mostly a mist with a few outburst. I have found the the outburst seem to
wait until one is under cover. By the afternoon the rain had stopped .
Mr Sun appeared and the heat was on.
During the rain part I went to the Riverwalk Mall outlets. Sadly most of the stores were empty and the rest had going out of business sales. I could see all the damaged caused by Katrina. Once through the Mall area I walked done Canal Street. On to Decatur Street which is the beginning of the French quarter. Followed that down and around to the Oyster Fest. Kind of like a circle. Anyway, I join up with the Oyster Fest and have a great time. The Oysters were great, I had Charbroil Oysters, Fried Oysters in a almond sauce and catfish sliders. All very good. Listened to some great Jazz Music by the Bass A Holics and watched a cooking demo by chef Brian Landry of Borgne restaurant. Learned a lot about the fishing in this area. Will share later on with photos.
With the heat on I got a Snowball, pinacolada. Then walked the river walk back to meet up with Hubby a the convention hall. Later that night we went to eat at the same place as last night . Still great music. It was like Ozark back hills music, really enjoyed it. Tonight we will be trying another place for sure. I had Alligator again and loved it.
Ended the night with having to tell my daughter that Great Aunt Frances passed away that day. She was 89 years old. She died from a massive stroke, which she had a few days ago. Aunt Frances joined the Catholic church and became a nun when she was 15. Becoming part of the Franciscan Order, became a nurse and worked in the catholic hospital for years. At the age of about 50 She left the nunhood and worked as a nurse in California. Then at about age 60 she moved to live with my family, after she was diagnosed with uterus cancer and treated. Has been in a assist living filcility for a while about 10 years.
Today I will be going to a Plantation. Looking foerward to it. Come back tomorrow for more details. Do not forget I will be posting some photos on the On The Go Blog.( link on right side bar). See ya later.
With the heat on I got a Snowball, pinacolada. Then walked the river walk back to meet up with Hubby a the convention hall. Later that night we went to eat at the same place as last night . Still great music. It was like Ozark back hills music, really enjoyed it. Tonight we will be trying another place for sure. I had Alligator again and loved it.
Ended the night with having to tell my daughter that Great Aunt Frances passed away that day. She was 89 years old. She died from a massive stroke, which she had a few days ago. Aunt Frances joined the Catholic church and became a nun when she was 15. Becoming part of the Franciscan Order, became a nurse and worked in the catholic hospital for years. At the age of about 50 She left the nunhood and worked as a nurse in California. Then at about age 60 she moved to live with my family, after she was diagnosed with uterus cancer and treated. Has been in a assist living filcility for a while about 10 years.
Today I will be going to a Plantation. Looking foerward to it. Come back tomorrow for more details. Do not forget I will be posting some photos on the On The Go Blog.( link on right side bar). See ya later.
Sunday, June 2, 2013
First Day in New Orleans
We arrived on a sunny day. The temp was in the upper 80's, with a high humidity. That made the temperature seem higher. Met a couple from Arizona that stated it seemed hotter here even though the temps are higher in their state. Oh yes I remember how the humidity plays a great part in the comfort of the heat.
We walked the Streets and ending up at a Local Bar/Restaurant called Lucy's Retired Surfer Bar & Restaurant. The Food was very good and we did have a couple of Lucy's Classic drinks. They were Great, served with mermaids hanging and floating in the drink. The Place is Located on Tchopitoulas Street in New Orleans warehouse district. I would recommend a visit if you are in Town. Their Site has the history of the palce (link is above)
Well I did take photos however I need to purchase another camera cord. You know how it goes....One thinks they pack everything but... there is always one thing left. So for today I will post some things courtesy of web sights. I did manage to post some real time photos on my On the Go Blog.
Be sure to take a peek. I will be posting more later today.
After Lunch we took a city tour with Vip City Tour. Dino was our Tour guide. He was so much fun to be with. Told us all kinds of things about the city, both of the old and new. Pointed out some fun places to go as well as a shopping area that is 6 Miles long! Now I will have to revisit that area for sure. One place he took us to was the City of the Dead. Sounds scary huh, well not is a cemetery that has tombs above ground. Now why is that... You see New Orleans is below sea level and as you would think the bodies would just float to the surface if buried in the manner we think of. I will not tell you all now about the goings on in that "City". However I will tell you it is very interesting to say the least. There is a photo of the City Of the Dead on the On the go blog. We really enjoyed the tour.
For Our dinner we went to a local restaurant called Mulate's. The food was the most delicious, we had Alligator and red beans and rice and hubby had a shrimp poboy. Even had dessert , key lime pie and Bread pudding with hard sauce. The bread pudding was soooo good! It has been a long time since I had something that good. Maybe never before come to think of it. They had live music and plenty of dancing space. The Bayou Deville's were playing. You can see a photo at the web site link. Just loved that place.
Today hubby is in attending the Tech conference, so I will be venturing out later to check out the Riverwalk area.
Photo courtesy of Lucy's |
Well I did take photos however I need to purchase another camera cord. You know how it goes....One thinks they pack everything but... there is always one thing left. So for today I will post some things courtesy of web sights. I did manage to post some real time photos on my On the Go Blog.
Be sure to take a peek. I will be posting more later today.
After Lunch we took a city tour with Vip City Tour. Dino was our Tour guide. He was so much fun to be with. Told us all kinds of things about the city, both of the old and new. Pointed out some fun places to go as well as a shopping area that is 6 Miles long! Now I will have to revisit that area for sure. One place he took us to was the City of the Dead. Sounds scary huh, well not is a cemetery that has tombs above ground. Now why is that... You see New Orleans is below sea level and as you would think the bodies would just float to the surface if buried in the manner we think of. I will not tell you all now about the goings on in that "City". However I will tell you it is very interesting to say the least. There is a photo of the City Of the Dead on the On the go blog. We really enjoyed the tour.
For Our dinner we went to a local restaurant called Mulate's. The food was the most delicious, we had Alligator and red beans and rice and hubby had a shrimp poboy. Even had dessert , key lime pie and Bread pudding with hard sauce. The bread pudding was soooo good! It has been a long time since I had something that good. Maybe never before come to think of it. They had live music and plenty of dancing space. The Bayou Deville's were playing. You can see a photo at the web site link. Just loved that place.
Today hubby is in attending the Tech conference, so I will be venturing out later to check out the Riverwalk area.
Friday, May 31, 2013
Spend More time together
Spend time together is a challenge. Take every opportunity you get. Hubby is going on a bussiness trip to New Orleans. So... I asked to tag along, yes he will be in meetings all day. However, we will have the evenings together.
I decided to schedule some day trips for me. On Monday I will be going to some Plantations, tuesday a City Tour and on Thursday a Swamp tour. Sure I will be checking out the French Quarter and the food. Love that Creole and Cajun food.
Be sure to visit often and go over to my On The Go blog for real time photos posted daily while on trips. See you in New Orleans.
I decided to schedule some day trips for me. On Monday I will be going to some Plantations, tuesday a City Tour and on Thursday a Swamp tour. Sure I will be checking out the French Quarter and the food. Love that Creole and Cajun food.
Be sure to visit often and go over to my On The Go blog for real time photos posted daily while on trips. See you in New Orleans.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Time To Travel: New Orleans Bound
Last time we were in New Orleans was about 36 years ago. I remember it was raining and we were so young it didn't bother us.
We are looking forward to this trip. Our week is half full with a conference. Plan on doing some exploring on my own. Will try to post some on the On the Go blog. Will be posting on this one as well.
You know the food will be right up my alley. That means I will have to do some exercise.I do not think that will be a problem. I love to walk. However the hotels does have a exercise room.
This time of year is great for travel. The weather is warm during the day and cool at night. The weather look like it will be in the upper 80s during the day and upper 70 at night.With a chance of some rain.
So many thing to do. Will be staying in the French district. There is a culinary event going on. That is right up my alley also. Demo on cooking Crapes on Monday, Looking forward to that. I use to cook them years ago. Perhaps it is time to resurrect the crape pan.
We are looking forward to this trip. Our week is half full with a conference. Plan on doing some exploring on my own. Will try to post some on the On the Go blog. Will be posting on this one as well.
You know the food will be right up my alley. That means I will have to do some exercise.I do not think that will be a problem. I love to walk. However the hotels does have a exercise room.
This time of year is great for travel. The weather is warm during the day and cool at night. The weather look like it will be in the upper 80s during the day and upper 70 at night.With a chance of some rain.
So many thing to do. Will be staying in the French district. There is a culinary event going on. That is right up my alley also. Demo on cooking Crapes on Monday, Looking forward to that. I use to cook them years ago. Perhaps it is time to resurrect the crape pan.
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Traveling Time Coming Up.

This year the trips are, Tennessee, Virginia Beach and OuterBanks,New Orleans, and Vermont. We will try to add one more surprise trip. Stay tune for that one. Haven't decided on the area yet.
I Love to travel and visit over places, for the next few days I will be posting the St Louis trip we made in January. I hadn't been there in several years. It was nice to revisit the area. Brought back wonderful memories.
Traveling is our way of enjoying the United States. In this time of stressful living, it is nice to just get away. We always look for a way to save money. So all our trips are designed to be affordable. We bought a vacation plan outright, which will save a bout load of money. Also the places we go have a kitchen, that way we do not have to eat out all the time. That help with the weight control. Stay tune for all the fun.
Remembering all those trips "Going West Trip" or you can visit the Vacation archives . the link to "On The Go"
Friday, April 12, 2013
Blogging About Around the Home
Well I have been thinking about sprucing up the yard. With My daughter away in college I have time on my hands. Hubby and I are planning a few trips in the next few months. We have had some changes in the home, with health issues as well.
We took down the Pool Last fall and hubby contracted a Rare Bacterial infection. The Doctors believe it was from some spores from the ground dirt. I am not convinced of this however, we decided to do some changes to that area. Will not be putting the pool back up this year. Instead we will be putting in a deck that will support the pool. This will cover up any spores in the ground and limited the contact to the skin.
The flower beds are also getting a new makeover. We decided to plant some azaleas there. Less maintenance and plenty of color. I have some roses which will remain there. I will be posting the garden and yard projects on my Garden blog ( see the side bar link).
As for the family life, Many changes have occurred. Our daughter has located her Birth Mother and Father. Now she is learning about them. Yes it is hard on us. As with most children, they grow up and leave home . Finding new friends and starting they own life is all natural. It would be nice to live closer to her.
A new nephew named Miles has come into the family.. He is such a cutie as most babies are. Critter is getting older and more interested in Sports and other things. He tells us he still loves to Cook, and wants to be a Scientific Chef. That is one who creates recipes for others, as he puts it. We still see them, but not as much as I would like.
So I thought I would give you this update on our lives at home. As you can see we are still growing and I am sure there will be plenty to write about this spring and summer. Be sure to follow my On the Go and Garden blogs. As well as the Healthy blog. For I will be posting some interesting things on them.[ all the links are on the sidebar].
Now I need to work on the kitchen blog and start adding some Delicious recipes. With outdoor cooking getting ready to start who knows what great dishes will be there. Oh and I am thinking about another give away. stay turn.....
We took down the Pool Last fall and hubby contracted a Rare Bacterial infection. The Doctors believe it was from some spores from the ground dirt. I am not convinced of this however, we decided to do some changes to that area. Will not be putting the pool back up this year. Instead we will be putting in a deck that will support the pool. This will cover up any spores in the ground and limited the contact to the skin.
The flower beds are also getting a new makeover. We decided to plant some azaleas there. Less maintenance and plenty of color. I have some roses which will remain there. I will be posting the garden and yard projects on my Garden blog ( see the side bar link).
As for the family life, Many changes have occurred. Our daughter has located her Birth Mother and Father. Now she is learning about them. Yes it is hard on us. As with most children, they grow up and leave home . Finding new friends and starting they own life is all natural. It would be nice to live closer to her.
A new nephew named Miles has come into the family.. He is such a cutie as most babies are. Critter is getting older and more interested in Sports and other things. He tells us he still loves to Cook, and wants to be a Scientific Chef. That is one who creates recipes for others, as he puts it. We still see them, but not as much as I would like.
So I thought I would give you this update on our lives at home. As you can see we are still growing and I am sure there will be plenty to write about this spring and summer. Be sure to follow my On the Go and Garden blogs. As well as the Healthy blog. For I will be posting some interesting things on them.[ all the links are on the sidebar].
Now I need to work on the kitchen blog and start adding some Delicious recipes. With outdoor cooking getting ready to start who knows what great dishes will be there. Oh and I am thinking about another give away. stay turn.....
Monday, March 25, 2013
Waking up to Snow!!!!!
Thought I would show you some real snow......Just for those folks who were wishing for some over the winter.
We are dropping our daughter off in Pennsylvania and we are in the snow storm....Loving it!
Thursday, February 28, 2013
February in a Nutshell???
It has been a while since I posted here. So much has been going on in the Household. Between the small trips,work, car and school it seems to be a balancing act to find time to post an update. So Here I go to catch you all up on the Month.
February started out with in end of January taking our daughter back up to the college. Once back we tried to unpack from all of January trips. If I haven't told you all, January we went to West Virginia, Saint Louis Missouri . There we met Our daughters Birth Mother and we all enjoyed the sights of the city for one week. It seems like we never unpacked from the December trips or the January trips. And here we are in February still traveling....
Now into the first week of February and the Super Bowl was playing. Our team here in Baltimore were playing. Me and Hubby watched it with excitement, What a game indeed. So proud of the Ravens.
The second week was Critters ninth Birthday. Can you believe that. We wanted to get to see him however it did not work out. the schedules would not work and we had some weather issues here. He will be having a big party in the next few weeks.
The third week Hubby and I had a great time together. it was Valentine week. Deciding we need to change some things so we do not just get lost in work and miss out being with each other in mind and body. Our daughter was homesick and begged us to come up to visit. So we pack up and drove to Pennsylvania for a long weekend visit. We went to Pittsburgh where we spent the weekend visiting the Museums. I will share some of that later with you. It snowed the whole time we were there in Pittsburgh.
I was reminded of the years ago when I was visiting my parents there. They lived in a suburb of Pittsburgh. Hubby has a family member who lives there. We were able to see her while there. That was enjoyable. The hills of the city are so steep, remembering the clutch and trying not to roll back on a car. Oh that was such a take back for me.
We went to the Andy Warhol Museum. What a strange place.. He was really a missed up person. Had a strange view on things. However I did learn a lot about his life. It really makes it easier to understand his life. I think I was the only one that did get anything out of that visit.
Had to go to another Museum because the family was so disturb after the Andy Warhol one. So off to the Carnegie History and Art Museum. The family is not to much in the arts like I am so we spent our time in the History side. They had the largest rock collection I have ever seen. Might I add I have been to the Smithsonian as well as Chicago and France and many more museums through out the world. This collection seem to be the most complete collection we have ever seen. I would have been glad to spent many more hours in that room. Now I will have to revisit the Smithsonian to compare again. And for sure go back to the Carnegie History museum.
One item the museum claims is they have the largest display of Dinosaurs bones. Well I think they are right. There were two rooms of bones and one more for the younger ones to explore. The layout was impressive. I will be sharing photos later in March.
The weekend with our daughter was a good one. We spent two and a half days with her and visited our place of Marriage, Pittsburgh. We staying on Neville island with was surrounded with water on both sides and it snowed those beautiful flakes I remember seeing in Upstate New York as a child. It brought back so many great memories. I look forward to going again. Which brings me to telling you we are heading there again in two weeks.
Having a Child in college and her being the only child is hard. We miss each other greatly. However with the Phones, Skype and means to travel we see each other a lot.
The fourth week of February which we are just now finishing. Hubby and I had a great time together. Upon decided on that spending more time together we are spending more time together. This week hubby took me to a winery to have a wine tasting. This place makes their own wines with imported and some California grapes. The companies send their grape juices to them and they produce there own wine. It was very interesting seeing the process and they will let you make wine and put your own label on it. Their Wines were very good. They do not use Sulfides or preservatives in the wines, due to they sell it fast and usually it does not stay on the shelves.
I tried one from Australia and it was so good. That was the first time I had had one from Australia. The next was from Italy and of course that one was fantastic. Reminded me of our visits to Italy. Tasted a Chilean Merlot that was out of this world. So of course we purchased three bottles of Reds. Hubby is taking me to a cooking with Wine event there this weekend. They are in the process of making a Rose wine, which they will be using in the cooking as well as some other ones. Making new memories with hubby, loving it. A great start for March.
February started out with in end of January taking our daughter back up to the college. Once back we tried to unpack from all of January trips. If I haven't told you all, January we went to West Virginia, Saint Louis Missouri . There we met Our daughters Birth Mother and we all enjoyed the sights of the city for one week. It seems like we never unpacked from the December trips or the January trips. And here we are in February still traveling....
Now into the first week of February and the Super Bowl was playing. Our team here in Baltimore were playing. Me and Hubby watched it with excitement, What a game indeed. So proud of the Ravens.
The second week was Critters ninth Birthday. Can you believe that. We wanted to get to see him however it did not work out. the schedules would not work and we had some weather issues here. He will be having a big party in the next few weeks.
The third week Hubby and I had a great time together. it was Valentine week. Deciding we need to change some things so we do not just get lost in work and miss out being with each other in mind and body. Our daughter was homesick and begged us to come up to visit. So we pack up and drove to Pennsylvania for a long weekend visit. We went to Pittsburgh where we spent the weekend visiting the Museums. I will share some of that later with you. It snowed the whole time we were there in Pittsburgh.
I was reminded of the years ago when I was visiting my parents there. They lived in a suburb of Pittsburgh. Hubby has a family member who lives there. We were able to see her while there. That was enjoyable. The hills of the city are so steep, remembering the clutch and trying not to roll back on a car. Oh that was such a take back for me.
We went to the Andy Warhol Museum. What a strange place.. He was really a missed up person. Had a strange view on things. However I did learn a lot about his life. It really makes it easier to understand his life. I think I was the only one that did get anything out of that visit.
Had to go to another Museum because the family was so disturb after the Andy Warhol one. So off to the Carnegie History and Art Museum. The family is not to much in the arts like I am so we spent our time in the History side. They had the largest rock collection I have ever seen. Might I add I have been to the Smithsonian as well as Chicago and France and many more museums through out the world. This collection seem to be the most complete collection we have ever seen. I would have been glad to spent many more hours in that room. Now I will have to revisit the Smithsonian to compare again. And for sure go back to the Carnegie History museum.
One item the museum claims is they have the largest display of Dinosaurs bones. Well I think they are right. There were two rooms of bones and one more for the younger ones to explore. The layout was impressive. I will be sharing photos later in March.
The weekend with our daughter was a good one. We spent two and a half days with her and visited our place of Marriage, Pittsburgh. We staying on Neville island with was surrounded with water on both sides and it snowed those beautiful flakes I remember seeing in Upstate New York as a child. It brought back so many great memories. I look forward to going again. Which brings me to telling you we are heading there again in two weeks.
Having a Child in college and her being the only child is hard. We miss each other greatly. However with the Phones, Skype and means to travel we see each other a lot.
The fourth week of February which we are just now finishing. Hubby and I had a great time together. Upon decided on that spending more time together we are spending more time together. This week hubby took me to a winery to have a wine tasting. This place makes their own wines with imported and some California grapes. The companies send their grape juices to them and they produce there own wine. It was very interesting seeing the process and they will let you make wine and put your own label on it. Their Wines were very good. They do not use Sulfides or preservatives in the wines, due to they sell it fast and usually it does not stay on the shelves.
I tried one from Australia and it was so good. That was the first time I had had one from Australia. The next was from Italy and of course that one was fantastic. Reminded me of our visits to Italy. Tasted a Chilean Merlot that was out of this world. So of course we purchased three bottles of Reds. Hubby is taking me to a cooking with Wine event there this weekend. They are in the process of making a Rose wine, which they will be using in the cooking as well as some other ones. Making new memories with hubby, loving it. A great start for March.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Lately I have been getting Spammer comments only. I really do not like these Anonymous postings. Does any one else get these?
I have been thinking how to stop them. there are several things I can do.
I am sure there are some other remedies to this problem. It just seems that these are the only ones I am getting lately. I think it is rude not to leave your name on the comment.
What do you use to manage the Spammers?
I have been thinking how to stop them. there are several things I can do.
- Stop accepting comments.....This would eliminate it however, that would defect the purpose of the Blog.
- Block all comments until they are reviewed by me..... That will require a lot of time on my part. On the other hand, it might be the answer.
I am sure there are some other remedies to this problem. It just seems that these are the only ones I am getting lately. I think it is rude not to leave your name on the comment.
What do you use to manage the Spammers?
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Thursday Tell All-Saint Louis
Many of you know that we adopted our daughter. She is now in College and has been interested in finding her Birth Mother. Our trip to Saint Louis was to meet her Birth Mother.
We had been talking with the adoption agency on the first meeting. What kind of meeting should it be and where should it take place? Meetings can be stressful for all parties. Having a venue that is a neutral place is a must. Planning activities that make it less stressful and providing some intimate time is important for all.
Meeting in Saint Louis turned out to be a great venue. We met at an ice stating rink in a park first that allowed some intimate time with some activity to allow for some laughter and plenty of room to have space. We met early enough that there where not too many people around.
After the initial meeting we went to the arch. There we had some time to talk as we walked in the park. Everyone seemed to have some alone time still with family support around. I had time to talked with her as well. So Many things go through ones mind at this time. What should we share and how much is appropriate. I think by this time I felt a little at ease to share with her.
We went out to dinner and talked with her kids. I really enjoyed talking with them. Learning a little about their views on things. At the end of the day we all went back to our different Hotels, giving us time to process the first meeting.
First meetings are always the hardest. The unknown causes all kinds of fears as well as different thoughts. If one can make it past the first meeting then the ease of the fears seems to be controlled. One starts to see things and understand more about the initial beginning. We did not have an open adoption, therefore did not know a lot of the situation of the Birth mother.
We did tell our daughter all we knew. Always letting her know we love her and always will. Also telling her that the Birth Mother loved her also. It is so important to tell the children early during their life, that way they have a happier view of things. This came true when she finally met her Birth Mother and learned that she did love her and always thought of her. Now we could tell her these things because we did have a few letters that stated her love of the child. If one has that knowledge, telling the child is okay. However If one does not, it would not be good to tell the child of the BM love. Because it might not be true and could cause problems with trust later.
Over all the meeting had it's emotional times but, it did go well. I think the emotions are expected this is a new chapter in all our lives. Children growing up and learning about their beginning in the world can be stressful and frightening. We all have those needs whether you are adopted or not. Don't we all ask questions of our parents as we get older? This is a process of wisdom and moving on.
I hope for you is that this will help one understand that life has its chapters and we must get though them. That way we can mature and become a better person, allowing us to be able to share and become wiser.
We had been talking with the adoption agency on the first meeting. What kind of meeting should it be and where should it take place? Meetings can be stressful for all parties. Having a venue that is a neutral place is a must. Planning activities that make it less stressful and providing some intimate time is important for all.
Meeting in Saint Louis turned out to be a great venue. We met at an ice stating rink in a park first that allowed some intimate time with some activity to allow for some laughter and plenty of room to have space. We met early enough that there where not too many people around.
After the initial meeting we went to the arch. There we had some time to talk as we walked in the park. Everyone seemed to have some alone time still with family support around. I had time to talked with her as well. So Many things go through ones mind at this time. What should we share and how much is appropriate. I think by this time I felt a little at ease to share with her.
We went out to dinner and talked with her kids. I really enjoyed talking with them. Learning a little about their views on things. At the end of the day we all went back to our different Hotels, giving us time to process the first meeting.
First meetings are always the hardest. The unknown causes all kinds of fears as well as different thoughts. If one can make it past the first meeting then the ease of the fears seems to be controlled. One starts to see things and understand more about the initial beginning. We did not have an open adoption, therefore did not know a lot of the situation of the Birth mother.
We did tell our daughter all we knew. Always letting her know we love her and always will. Also telling her that the Birth Mother loved her also. It is so important to tell the children early during their life, that way they have a happier view of things. This came true when she finally met her Birth Mother and learned that she did love her and always thought of her. Now we could tell her these things because we did have a few letters that stated her love of the child. If one has that knowledge, telling the child is okay. However If one does not, it would not be good to tell the child of the BM love. Because it might not be true and could cause problems with trust later.
Over all the meeting had it's emotional times but, it did go well. I think the emotions are expected this is a new chapter in all our lives. Children growing up and learning about their beginning in the world can be stressful and frightening. We all have those needs whether you are adopted or not. Don't we all ask questions of our parents as we get older? This is a process of wisdom and moving on.
I hope for you is that this will help one understand that life has its chapters and we must get though them. That way we can mature and become a better person, allowing us to be able to share and become wiser.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Off Again= on the Go
Well, it seems like we are constantly running. After our trip to Florida and the Carolina's, we are now on our way to Missouri. Hubby and I lived is Missouri several years ago. Going back is kind of exciting. I have so found memories of my time there. One of my Army buddies was raised there. I remember visiting her family there. Several times I enjoyed the time. Even though she is not longer living there my memories are still fond ones.
Be sure to check out my On the Go blog for some exciting photos of our trip. That is where I will be posting things. I love being able to post via my Blackberry. I will usually post in real time, I know your all like that.
Be sure to check out my On the Go blog for some exciting photos of our trip. That is where I will be posting things. I love being able to post via my Blackberry. I will usually post in real time, I know your all like that.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Monday News- Shopping-Flu- Economy
We had a great weekend. Friday, daughter and I went shopping. It was fun, she needed new clothes for college this winter. It is cold and snowy in Pennsylvania. Still need to look at her coats. I think she has it covered. However she wants to get a new one that is lighter in weight. We will see how it goes.
Saturday hubby and I watched Scifi movies. I really enjoyed that! All day in the theater room watching in HD and Theater sound. Scifi is very thrilling in that mode. I think I am "end of the world" movie out. We watched so many... Cyclones, Tornado's, Solar fares, and planet alignments doomsday I think they covered the end of the earth scenarios. Of course there was always a savior and they saved the earth. We need to take notes just in case these happens.
Sunday we watched service from home. With the flu season in full swing now and we a going to St Louis, we are trying to stay healthy. Our church has over ten thousand people and they like to shake hands as well as all the sneezing, coughing and touching things. The news has been telling us this is a bad season for the Flu. We have been told that the Flu shot does not cover this strand and that we should get the shot. Also we have been told to wash are hands often ,cover our mouths, and take an abundant of products. I know that they are only guessing and have no clue as to controlling it. Hey look this is a virus and the only way to steer clear is to boost your immunity and stay clear of the folks who have it. After all everyone needs to work and will still go even if they are suffering. In this economy missing work is not an option. The bosses are just waiting for a reason to not pay out.
We did go out to eat. The restaurant was very sparse in people. This is a place that has been very busy in the past. Just goes to show that the economy is still suffering. The food was still good and the service was great. The weather was so foggy so we came home hubby took a nap and daughter worked on a project. I just chilled out.
How was your weekend?
Saturday hubby and I watched Scifi movies. I really enjoyed that! All day in the theater room watching in HD and Theater sound. Scifi is very thrilling in that mode. I think I am "end of the world" movie out. We watched so many... Cyclones, Tornado's, Solar fares, and planet alignments doomsday I think they covered the end of the earth scenarios. Of course there was always a savior and they saved the earth. We need to take notes just in case these happens.
Sunday we watched service from home. With the flu season in full swing now and we a going to St Louis, we are trying to stay healthy. Our church has over ten thousand people and they like to shake hands as well as all the sneezing, coughing and touching things. The news has been telling us this is a bad season for the Flu. We have been told that the Flu shot does not cover this strand and that we should get the shot. Also we have been told to wash are hands often ,cover our mouths, and take an abundant of products. I know that they are only guessing and have no clue as to controlling it. Hey look this is a virus and the only way to steer clear is to boost your immunity and stay clear of the folks who have it. After all everyone needs to work and will still go even if they are suffering. In this economy missing work is not an option. The bosses are just waiting for a reason to not pay out.
We did go out to eat. The restaurant was very sparse in people. This is a place that has been very busy in the past. Just goes to show that the economy is still suffering. The food was still good and the service was great. The weather was so foggy so we came home hubby took a nap and daughter worked on a project. I just chilled out.
How was your weekend?
Friday, January 11, 2013
Fridays Question: What makes us?
We all have a spirited personality with in us. Sometimes it can give the wrong impression when using a form of communication. For example let's take the voice only. Using a telephone one can say something that the recipient can understand a different way. In our world folks need to see the whole picture to understand the words spoken. Body language and tone together gives that picture. Ah but, can someone still receive the wrong Message?
For me I tend to be Matter of Fact person and have been told can come across stern. This is not how I think. Grew up in a minister household and having a strong Mother has made me a strong will person. Have been looking at my family lately and have noticed that three forth of them are this way.
My older brother is the only Laid back one in the family. He tends to go with the flow. However he does have a side that is sensitive. I saw that side when me Mother passed away. He really does care about some things.
My younger brother is very stern and what some would classify as opinionated on many things. One who is set in his ways and will not let others persuade him in any way. However I did see a different side when my mother passed. He let the side a compassion out, for a while was willing to show he cared.
My youngest brother is a strong will and very sensitive guy. He seems to care how others view him and takes every action and reaction to heart. Not knowing him too well, I have seen some traits of fear of the unknown in him. Blaming himself for things that happen in life. As if he has control over everything around him. Still trying to remain Strong will.
Now for me, there is the I can do it all by myself syndrome in my mind. Which sometimes can cause conflicts in relationships. Allowing the perfectionist side to take over. Although it did do me good in the Military and in Life. Having this trait is not a bad thing, it makes one a stronger person. Able to stand strong and get to job done. Being Strong will gives a person a sense of strength that some folks would label as " They are a bitchy person" (that is their words not mine). that label was given to me in the Military. I do not think of me like that. However it did not hurt in the military, it made it easier to handle the missions.
My thought is that I am a caring person with a guard up to prevent being hurt. Have always had a compassionate heart and softness. However have not let it show out in the world often. There are a few folks that have experienced it. At time my words can be curt and taken the wrong way. I tend to be matter of fact like my family and sometimes can put my foot in my mouth.
Working on this has been a experience. Since my daughter has expressed her view of my words on folks. I have been trying to change the way I react to people. As well as the words I say, being slower to speak. Have found that one can control how they come across by choosing when to speak and when to remain silent. Something my mother tried to teach me. She was good at it, I hope to be as good in my lifetime.
In retrospect one can see that our upbringing has a great deal of influence on who we become. One can make some small changes in order to get along with folks. However one will have to decide that they are who they are because of their upbringing. We can decided to alter some things but just keep in mind you will have to work hard to change a view one has already accepted.
We change and mature as we age. Can one really start over? Or is it just making small changes that over time become a part of you? This is Friday and that means time for questions. What do you think? Are you viewing yourself as others do? Or do you see yourself differently? Is there something you wish to change? You can choose one to answer or more if you wish. Leave your link and I will visit you.
For me I tend to be Matter of Fact person and have been told can come across stern. This is not how I think. Grew up in a minister household and having a strong Mother has made me a strong will person. Have been looking at my family lately and have noticed that three forth of them are this way.
My older brother is the only Laid back one in the family. He tends to go with the flow. However he does have a side that is sensitive. I saw that side when me Mother passed away. He really does care about some things.
My younger brother is very stern and what some would classify as opinionated on many things. One who is set in his ways and will not let others persuade him in any way. However I did see a different side when my mother passed. He let the side a compassion out, for a while was willing to show he cared.
My youngest brother is a strong will and very sensitive guy. He seems to care how others view him and takes every action and reaction to heart. Not knowing him too well, I have seen some traits of fear of the unknown in him. Blaming himself for things that happen in life. As if he has control over everything around him. Still trying to remain Strong will.
Now for me, there is the I can do it all by myself syndrome in my mind. Which sometimes can cause conflicts in relationships. Allowing the perfectionist side to take over. Although it did do me good in the Military and in Life. Having this trait is not a bad thing, it makes one a stronger person. Able to stand strong and get to job done. Being Strong will gives a person a sense of strength that some folks would label as " They are a bitchy person" (that is their words not mine). that label was given to me in the Military. I do not think of me like that. However it did not hurt in the military, it made it easier to handle the missions.
My thought is that I am a caring person with a guard up to prevent being hurt. Have always had a compassionate heart and softness. However have not let it show out in the world often. There are a few folks that have experienced it. At time my words can be curt and taken the wrong way. I tend to be matter of fact like my family and sometimes can put my foot in my mouth.
Working on this has been a experience. Since my daughter has expressed her view of my words on folks. I have been trying to change the way I react to people. As well as the words I say, being slower to speak. Have found that one can control how they come across by choosing when to speak and when to remain silent. Something my mother tried to teach me. She was good at it, I hope to be as good in my lifetime.
In retrospect one can see that our upbringing has a great deal of influence on who we become. One can make some small changes in order to get along with folks. However one will have to decide that they are who they are because of their upbringing. We can decided to alter some things but just keep in mind you will have to work hard to change a view one has already accepted.
We change and mature as we age. Can one really start over? Or is it just making small changes that over time become a part of you? This is Friday and that means time for questions. What do you think? Are you viewing yourself as others do? Or do you see yourself differently? Is there something you wish to change? You can choose one to answer or more if you wish. Leave your link and I will visit you.
Monday, January 7, 2013
Monday News--A New Year....New Beginnings
With the New year Comes new postings. Since the Kids are growing up and no longer wish to be highlighted on this blog, the format will change. This New Monday post will be about my week in review. However I will start this one with my year in review. So many thoughts of how to continue this home blog. Look for a new format and design to follow. Will be working on that, need to also work on a new widget. New things to come for a New beginning.
With a New year upon us comes New Beginnings. We look forward to great new experiences. There are Babies on their way and New folks that we meet. My hope is that this year will be a great experience.
Two Thousand Twelve was a rough year. In that year our daughter graduated high school and went off to college. Hubby had so many surgeries, and some major infections. Health wise it was not a good year for him. We were told we would have to relocate to a different state. I started having ocular migraines. Thinking that I am so happy that year is behind us.
What to look forward to.... In the New Year Hubby found out the new relocation date is beyond his retirement year. So that means we will not have to move. His health is under control now and he is making the decision no more surgeries. Although he is still under the care of the Infectious Disease Association doctors care. Will be for the next year, however that is a good thing. My Daughter is starting to grow up. She has a lot of new things beginning in her life. With all things comes new experiences. Some would say a new chapter in ones life. My hope is that this new chapter will be a pleasant reading one.
We have so much to be thankful for. To be alive in Two Thousand Thirteen is so surreal. Being a Kid in the Nineteen sixties I never thought much about this year date. We just were wishing to make it to year Two Thousand. Now I look forward to more years. Think I will make it to Two Thousand Fifty? I am planning on it. Granny is now ninety-five and still going. Hoping is it in the gene poll for me.
With a New year upon us comes New Beginnings. We look forward to great new experiences. There are Babies on their way and New folks that we meet. My hope is that this year will be a great experience.
Two Thousand Twelve was a rough year. In that year our daughter graduated high school and went off to college. Hubby had so many surgeries, and some major infections. Health wise it was not a good year for him. We were told we would have to relocate to a different state. I started having ocular migraines. Thinking that I am so happy that year is behind us.
What to look forward to.... In the New Year Hubby found out the new relocation date is beyond his retirement year. So that means we will not have to move. His health is under control now and he is making the decision no more surgeries. Although he is still under the care of the Infectious Disease Association doctors care. Will be for the next year, however that is a good thing. My Daughter is starting to grow up. She has a lot of new things beginning in her life. With all things comes new experiences. Some would say a new chapter in ones life. My hope is that this new chapter will be a pleasant reading one.
We have so much to be thankful for. To be alive in Two Thousand Thirteen is so surreal. Being a Kid in the Nineteen sixties I never thought much about this year date. We just were wishing to make it to year Two Thousand. Now I look forward to more years. Think I will make it to Two Thousand Fifty? I am planning on it. Granny is now ninety-five and still going. Hoping is it in the gene poll for me.
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