My weekend was an interesting one. First off on Friday we had a school delay. The previous day we had some snow. Not much but the temps were low. That made the roads icy on spots, the school in the tri-state region decided to close or delay school openings. So, I missed Alex's Grandparents day. This make the second year I have missed it due to weather. Last year Maryland Had a snow storm and we were snowed in! I wonder if this means another heavy snow season is in store for us. I will have to make it up for Alex some how. I hate disappointing her. Most schools have grandparents day close to National Grandparents Day. The weather is a lot better that time of year.
Saturday the roads were better so, I ventured out. Went to drop off some Angel tree gifts, and then went Christmas shopping. Let me tell you the traffic was terrible! Every one must have waiting til the last minute to shop.
On the interstate there was heavy traffic. That isn't uncommon for the weekend. That's why I try to stay off them. However I had to go to a store in Baltimore for a certain gift. Interstate is faster and easier for me.
Then, get this, my Cell was chirping. Now I am not allow, by state law to view text or do texting while driving. So at a stop light I checked it. My family was out shopping also, they were texting me about gifts to buy for them! Detail items and places to go complete with clerks to see, by name! Not too long later the cell rang. I have a blue-tooth device so I answered it. My daughter was requesting that I go to a particular store to buy something for her Dad. This store was miles from where I was at the time. I saw a lot of accidents, some really bad. I wanted to just pick up her Cello Bow and get home! It was already getting late and I needed to stop at the market for some cheese.
Sunday was church day. I really enjoyed the music. They had a full orchestra this week, I like that sound. also there was a full choir as well as the music team. My daughter works at the church at 9am. So hubby and I had time to talk over a donut and cup of coffee. I asked him why he texted me so many times on Saturday. He knew I was driving and the law. His reply was that Lyd put Santa's number in his cell and he thought he was texting him. Well, it must have gotten rerouted is all I can say.
We visited with the family after church. Arranged a sleep over for the kids this week. The kids and I will make cookies and watch a Christmas movie. Maybe have a bonfire. I will need to work on the backyard today and tomorrow.
My daughter went Ice-skating with friends in the evening. I had a grill cheese sandwich with a cup of Sweet pepper tomato soup. Then played Cityville in Facebook. Are you a player. I would love some new neighbors. Just let me know if you play. My town is of course called Bloggersville. After all that is the Address here [smile].
For Blue Monday I thought I would give you a couple of photos from my weekend.
Alex and Critter on Sunday.
Don't you just love Critters pho-hawk

My daughter, Lyd and Critter.
In the background My SIL and Alex.
We are at the Cafeteria at church.

These are the carolers at church.
They sing carols in between services at the Cafeteria.
They are on all four sides of the balcony.
The sound is wonderful!

So how was your weekend?

Be sure to visit
Writer Cramps to see more Monday's Miss Marple. You never know when you need that Alibi!
I add this post to Blue Monday this week, you can see more Blue Photos at
Smiling Sally