101 Auntie E Street, Bloggersville, USA

101 Auntie E Street, Bloggersville, USA
Welcome, Back door is open, come in a sit Aspell..Let's talk...

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

WW- The Eve's Activities

I love Wednesday blog hops. Want to play along? You can link to any of the link below (they are Meme's) or to my inlinkz at the bottom of today's post. We will all visit you.

Interested in wordless Wednesday?
Check out this Link to sign up.

When some of us blogger need to just add words on Wednesday's post. Surf over to Parenting by Dummies to join the Wordful Wednesday group.

need to talk.....Join in the Wednesday fun...
at SuperMom .

As in Monday's post, we had family over on Christmas Eve. Here are some photos of the fun activities.

We rolled and baked cookies.

then we decorated them...

Next....Opening presents......

More about mine later on this week.
Oh yes, we were all laughing about it!
It was one only for Auntie E......

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Monday, December 27, 2010

Monday's News- Holiday Fun.

We had a fun weekend. On Friday we had family over. Critter , Alex, my S-I-L and Hubby spent the day with us. Critter and Alex help with the cookies. Critter help cook them and he made breakfast for everyone. That little one, now seven, Loves to cook. I enjoy him when he visits. We had French toast. He broke the eggs and beat them. helping my daughter cook.

Later that day we finished rolling out and baking the cookies. Then when the parents arrived, we iced and decorated them. We had a blast doing that, everyone, adults also, was enjoying the imagination fun. My sister in law stated that she felt like she went back to the era of Beaver and the Cleavers. Now that was great, we all loved the show. Fun time and very enjoyable. We had a great meal and then opened presents.It was sad to see them go but, we had fun.

Saturday, Christmas day. Teen Daughter got us up around 7am. I was tired because I spent the night talking the Santa. We had to catch up on the years News. He was quite busy this year, preparing for this one night. My daughter was given a Guitar, Hubby received a GPS and for me A Kindle! What a surprise for us all. Santa knew exactly what to give us.

Hubby got me a new set of Pans. I really needed them. Plus I received a lot of Gadgets. Now I will be busy Posting "Weekend gadgets" on my Kitchen site. I gifted hubby a remote car starter. He had been wanting one of over a year now. My daughter gave her father a camera. My daughter also got one from us, it was a SLR one. She will be posting some awesome photos on her Blog site. Of course there was also clothing given to all. Overall we had a pretty good Day.

Now I want to end with a note of Joy. Christmas is really about celebrating Christ the Lords' Earthly Birthday. We did attend a Eve service to help keep our minds focused on that. However with that said, This household celebrates "Three Kings Day" on January the 6th. That is a true day for Celebrating our Lords' Birth. As the Wise-men, we give him that day totally. Praising and thanking God for the gift of his son.

Looking forward to showing photos on Wednesday. Please come back to check them out.

So how was your weekend?

Be sure to visit Writer Cramps to see more Monday's Miss Marple. You never know when you need that Alibi!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

It's Christmas Day!

Well, Merry Christmas to all of you. This year is the start of new beginnings. Christmas Eve we had Family over and we had a blast. It was such a joy to share the day with them. Critter and Alex spent Thursday night with us. We made sugar cookies and watch all three of the Santa Clause Movies. I love them all and the kids had never seen them before. On Christmas Eve their parents, my S-I-L and Hubby, came up and we shared a time of fellowship. Icing and decorating the sugar cookies we made the day before, was a blast. We all sat at the Kitchen table and laughed together. Then we ate a dinner together in the Reindeer room (Dinning room). I made a Fruit and spiced Pork roast(will be posting the recipe on my Kitchen site later). The kids were so eager to eat that they sat at the table waiting for the dinner to be serve. It was so sweet to see that. I guess they love Auntie E's cooking,hehehe.
We opened presents from each other and shared in some fun time watching the kids enjoy theirs. They had to leave and I missed them before the drove away. Don't worry I will see them on Sunday at church.
that evening we went to a local church to attend a Christmas Eve service. Saw a few folks we haven't seen for some time.

This morning we opened our gifts and enjoyed the gifts from Santa. That's right, We believe in this household. So, Santa still drops by and leaves us goodies.

Now I have to tell you...as most of you know, I LOVE SNOW! Now the weatherman said "Sorry no snow for us for Christmas"...well what does he know? I asked Santa for Snow and Low and Behold after we opened presents, IT WAS SNOWING! Big Flakes the kind I like. So there you have it a Perfect Christmas Morning for ME!
Have to go now and put on the Ham.

How is your Christmas Day going?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

WW- A Santa view.......

Interested in wordless Wednesday?
Check out this Link to sign up.

When some of us blogger need to just add words on Wednesday's post. Surf over to Parenting by Dummies to join the Wordful Wednesday group.

need to talk.....Join in the Wednesday fun...
at SuperMom .

Oh yes it"s Wednesday, A few days just before Christmas. Thought I would feature Santa Claus, Kris Krinkle, Pere Noel, Kanakaloka, Shengdan Laoren, Babbo Natale, Ded Moroz (“Grandfather Frost”), Father Christmas and he has many more names. What do you Call Him?

Whatever you call him, he still represents the kindness of gift giving. Originally a priest by the name of Saint Nicholas. He was born 280AD, that is two hundred and eight years after the birth of Jesus Christ. Nicholas was from a town across from the Mediterranean Sea along the Southwest boarder, by Egypt and Israel. He was a christian and raised in the church. His parents where in their fifty when he was born. Those day life expectancy was not long. He had good morals and was raised to Treat others as you would want to be treated. He start Giving to the village folks who had nothing. First Putting Coins in their Stockings as they sleep in the night. Later on came the Physical gift, like Craved wood Toys and Crutches. He would listen to the town folks to find out what they needed. he never told folks it was him. Giving in a secret fashion and standing back to see their joy. It got to be the talk of the town and word spread fast. folks even stay up to try to see him, however they never did!

No matter what you think of Santa Clause, as we call him, his spirit of Giving was meant to be Christ like. Even though the gift of Jesus, Everlasting Life is so much more precious, We hold on to the Joy we see in the children and Adults as they open gift supplied by the Santa spirit.
I love all the looks of Santa throughout all the countries. Just think Santa is known almost everywhere!

I have left this one large,
click on photo to see them close up....

Here are some view of Our Town Santa visiting the Neighborhoods. To check on their list and remind them to be good.

Leave your Wednesday Post link here.

Happy Holidays and  A Merry Christmas to all

1. Create With Joy - Tsunami's New Friend  2. Mommying On The Fly ~ Linky  3. Mozi Esmé  

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Monday, December 20, 2010

Monday's News-What's Happening?

My weekend was an interesting one. First off on Friday we had a school delay. The previous day we had some snow. Not much but the temps were low. That made the roads icy on spots, the school in the tri-state region decided to close or delay school openings. So, I missed Alex's Grandparents day. This make the second year I have missed it due to weather. Last year Maryland Had a snow storm and we were snowed in! I wonder if this means another heavy snow season is in store for us. I will have to make it up for Alex some how. I hate disappointing her. Most schools have grandparents day close to National Grandparents Day. The weather is a lot better that time of year.

Saturday the roads were better so, I ventured out. Went to drop off some Angel tree gifts, and then went Christmas shopping. Let me tell you the traffic was terrible! Every one must have waiting til the last minute to shop.

On the interstate there was heavy traffic. That isn't uncommon for the weekend. That's why I try to stay off them. However I had to go to a store in Baltimore for a certain gift. Interstate is faster and easier for me.

Then, get this, my Cell was chirping. Now I am not allow, by state law to view text or do texting while driving. So at a stop light I checked it. My family was out shopping also, they were texting me about gifts to buy for them! Detail items and places to go complete with clerks to see, by name! Not too long later the cell rang. I have a blue-tooth device so I answered it. My daughter was requesting that I go to a particular store to buy something for her Dad. This store was miles from where I was at the time. I saw a lot of accidents, some really bad. I wanted to just pick up her Cello Bow and get home! It was already getting late and I needed to stop at the market for some cheese.

Sunday was church day. I really enjoyed the music. They had a full orchestra this week, I like that sound. also there was a full choir as well as the music team. My daughter works at the church at 9am. So hubby and I had time to talk over a donut and cup of coffee. I asked him why he texted me so many times on Saturday. He knew I was driving and the law. His reply was that Lyd put Santa's number in his cell and he thought he was texting him. Well, it must have gotten rerouted is all I can say.

We visited with the family after church. Arranged a sleep over for the kids this week. The kids and I will make cookies and watch a Christmas movie. Maybe have a bonfire. I will need to work on the backyard today and tomorrow.

My daughter went Ice-skating with friends in the evening. I had a grill cheese sandwich with a cup of Sweet pepper tomato soup. Then played Cityville in Facebook. Are you a player. I would love some new neighbors. Just let me know if you play. My town is of course called Bloggersville. After all that is the Address here [smile].

For Blue Monday I thought I would give you a couple of photos from my weekend.

Alex and Critter on Sunday.
Don't you just love Critters pho-hawk
My daughter, Lyd and Critter.
In the background My SIL and Alex.

We are at the Cafeteria at church.

These are the carolers at church.
They sing carols in between services at the Cafeteria.
They are on all four sides of the balcony.
The sound is wonderful!

So how was your weekend?

Be sure to visit Writer Cramps to see more Monday's Miss Marple. You never know when you need that Alibi!
I add this post to Blue Monday this week, you can see more Blue Photos at Smiling Sally

Friday, December 17, 2010

A Friday Snow Question for you?

It is getting closer to Christmas day. Only eight days left! I love snow during this season. I guess it's because when I moved to Ohio, as a young child, and saw Snow for the first time, it must have impressed me. Every since I Love the snow. As a young child I lived in Ohio, Kentucky and New York State. All have snow this season. Even lived in a snow belt area. Then as an adult I moved to Colorado, Now that's a snow place! Then later in life to the Black Forest area of Germany. Snow all around me. Love Playing in it and just watching it fall in big flakes. Oh I just love this Snow Season.

Your Question:
Do you associate Snow with Christmas?

Now how can Santa come if there was no Snow???

More Friday questions visit Aloha Friday

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

WW-He's Checking the list.

Interested in wordless Wednesday?
Check out this Link to sign up.

When some of us blogger need to just add words on Wednesday's post. Surf over to Parenting by Dummies to join the Wordful Wednesday group.

need to talk.....Join in the Wednesday fun...
at SuperMom .

North Pole

Santa at work.

Village in waiting...

Closer views....

Only Ten days left til...
He visits Auntie E's Home.
I'm ready and...
baking cookies soon for Santa

Link up your Wednesday Post here. Happy Hoildays, Merry Christmas and enjoy the Season of Light!

1. Christmas Village @ A Heart Full of Love  4. Goober Monkey w/linky  7. Angelica's Awesome Adventures w/ linky  
2. priest's wife- BOAT  5. Redkathy  8. ChildORganics- TN Snow day  
3. Kym @ Twinsideout (linky)  6. marci @ DailyDouz  9. green baby blog  

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Monday, December 13, 2010

Monday's News-Getting Ready...

This weekend was a getting ready for the Christmas Holiday time. We did a little shopping and Decorating.
On Saturday I finished put up the tree in the Family room. We decorated it later that night, listening to music and hanging all the ornament from years gone by. My daughter remembering her preschool years, and the making of various ornaments. Hubby and I remembering our years overseas and Christmas' of the past. I love doing that tree, it is so fill with Memories of Years gone by.

A view of the Memory Tree.
(click on tree for a closer view.)

After the tree I was still in the festive mood so, I started decorating the whole room, From the fire place to the villages. This year there is a ocean complete with a Light house,(Photos of that on Wednesday this week).

Sunday was church time and then when we came home , I started tweaking the villages and the dinning room. Our dinning room is very Blue. The theme is Reindeer. Each year a add a new reindeer. This year is was ornaments.

The Reindeer Room
(a sneak peek)

Now to the Kitchen,it's the Snowman room. This is one of the areas in my Kitchen. Check out the blue...My daughter made that some time ago.

The Snowman Room
(click to enlarge)

After the dinning room and Kitchen updates, I moved on to the villages and the people. A sneak preview for you here...
The Solarium Village
(click Photo for a closer view)

Today I am still working on the solarium tree as well is the villages around the home. I love all the villages surrounding all the rooms. This year I plan on getting out some of the older house from year gone by. We will add a new one, Just haven't found the one yet. Was thinking about adding a type of store or maybe a new a Post Office. I will be looking for one later today.
So how was your weekend?

Be sure to visit Writer Cramps to see more Monday's Miss Marple. You never know when you need that Alibi!
I add this post to Blue Monday this week, you can see more Blue Photos at Smiling Sally

Saturday, December 11, 2010

My Favorite Holiday Song Weekend- Bells

We have been watching the Sing Offs. All a cappella singers, I just love the sound of this type of singing. Just something magical about it. Visiting Williamsburg we enjoyed the singer at the Bell Clock Tower. So I though fitting to have my favorite group Straight no Chaser, singing for you.....

"Carol of the Bells".
Enjoy a little cheer from our home to yours........

We are putting up the family room tree today. Listening to Holiday Music!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Do You Believe? Tis the Season!

Now through the years I have become what one would call.....A Believer! Yes you have it right, this 50+ year old women still believes in Santa Clause. Let's see, when did it begin again for me.
I always believed as a child. Then sometime later I just stopped believing. things just went down hill. I stopped celebrating Christmas.

Then about Twenty four years ago, I think. It just happened one year. That year my Mom was working with Santa. Preparing his visit to the town and the Malls. Setting up his home away from home and hiring elves to assist him. One year Mom, known at that time as Mrs Clause (I never knew her secret until that day!)Had me come and sit on Santa's lap. Something happened that day and I haven't been the same since. I still get that tickle deep down inside when I see the Real Santa. Every year since then he has never missed visiting my home. He still get those things that my daughter wants and I can not find! They just show up! Our stocking are filled with things that bring back the kid in us. For that day we are Children again, enjoying the excitement of Christmas Day.

I have read a lot of Books on Santa and I have to say the only one that is right on is; "The Autobiography of Santa Claus" by Jeff Guinn. In that book Santa Clause comes alive. It has to change ones view and cause them to Believe. Read the book!

I have seen many Movies on Santa. The Polar Express is one of my favorites. I love the way Santa makes his showing. Now every year I must watch The Santa Clause with Tim Allen. That one just goes to show how Santa continues through the centuries . As well as the Powers he has. Oh yes he can travel and alter time. Now I know why that night is the longest one for us.

Now you know my secret.. I am a kid at heart and still believe in Santa. This is for you Santa, hope you are reading my blog. For Christmas this year I would like:
Some Vintage Candies
A new Breville Electric Milk Frother
Now that's not too much and I have been an "awfully good girl this year".

Now for a Friday Question for you........

Do You Believe?

For more Friday questions visit Aloha Friday

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

WW-Let's Go Window Shopping

Interested in wordless Wednesday?
Check out this Link to sign up.
Okay this is not wordless,I just can't keep my mouth shut! I will try to next week... but now I must talk because we are going shopping. Everyone talks when shopping with friends!

When some of us blogger need to just add words on Wednesday's post. Surf over to Parenting by Dummies to join the Wordful Wednesday group.

need to talk.....Join in the Wednesday fun...
at SuperMom .

While we were at Christmas Town in Williamsburg I went window shopping a little.
So let's go again together.

Oh this was the Caribou.....
Step right up.....
Now this window is looking from the inside out...
They made these Wonderful Candles inside!
Now to the candy shop.. Yum...
I like the lollipop!
Oh! what's the boy eating??? It looks good!
The Jewelery shop...
Diamonds for me Thank you.
A pair of dangle earrings ...
A perfect gift!
Oh another window...
Looks like a great shop!
Let's hurry other.
What do I see?Can you believe it?
Oh, I knew He would be Here!
I have to go now and talk with him...
Need to give him my list....

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