This was to be posted on Tuesday, but when Tuesday came it was Ruby Tuesday...Then Wordless I little late but here it is, Real Tuesday post on Thursday (they both start with a T,lol) The Three Loves of my FamilyHubby, Daughter, My Dad
Here in Sunny, well most of the time, Virginia Beach. We arrived by Auto, drove the back roads- way less traffic, on Saturday. First thing I did was Bake a cake, oh not just any cake, a healthy Carrot cake with low sugar cream cheese frosting. Dad, Family and I nursed it all weekend long! Being Cake week over at Lisa's..
Stop and Smell the Chocolate cause the cake fetish. Then we went on Father/Daughter dates. Hubby took daughter to see Night of the Museum. Dad and I saw StarTrek, me for the second time. We all enjoyed our movies.
Sunday we went to church, early service. The minister talked about Collards in his sermon. that got me thinking Lunch, Not good to talk food in church, trying to stay focused on the right things are hard once food is mentioned. Okay, so I fixed...yes you got it Collard Green for Lunch. Barbie chicken, Collard Greens and Corn on the cob, how southern can you get.

Now to the Tractor. It's a red Wizard with a Briggs and Stratton engine, bought by hubby and me in 1989. We lived on a farm in Missouri. Hubby was stationed there. We rented a 19 acre farm. All the farm grass cutting and farming activities made it necessary to get one. When we moved to Korea the tractor went to Mom and Dads. That is where it is to this day. It was not working , thought it had passed on to the tractor heaven..Not so! We managed to shock it back to life using the cars' Life source. Today it will start it new life working for Dad's Yard.