What a Hot weekend! Our weather temps were in the triple digits.Staying cool was the number one thing on our Weekend plans.
Friday we did some swimming in the pool. We went out to eat, tried a new restaurant called The Grill. You know how those TV shows tell you what some food joints do to your food? Well this was one like that. First we were seated by the cook and prep area. Waited about 4 minutes before we saw our server. The place was pretty busy. I notice that the lemons and garnishes were in metal containers by the prep area. Saw all kinds of hands going in that container. I decided not to use my lemon! Later I notice the food being piled in an area to be given out to servers. Someone whom I believed to be the Owner/Manager was standing there checking out the orders. He was throwing things on the plates, looked like garnishes, from those metal containers. Then I saw him wipe his hands on his pants. He did this procedure every time he garnished a plate. There were some damp cloth towels by the area on a table. He would pick one up to wipe the sides of the plate,then throw it back on the table and repeated as needed with the same towel. Oh I just lost my desire to eat there. Our food was not that great either. We will not be going back there to dine.
Saturday was even hotter we got up to 103 degrees! The pool temp was at 88 and that felt good. Put the Fountain up in the pool, that cooled the air around us. We decided not to cook inside or out. The Grill was too hot to touch. I made some Green sun tea. Stay in my bathing suit must of the day. There is a Chinese place near by, so we placed an order for delivery. Later Hubby and daughter went for a walk in a shopping Mall, getting in that exercise. We are all doing well in our loosing weight plan.
Sunday, Church service was great. The Minister spoke about Idols we have in our lives, how they creep in, why we have them and how to start ridding ourselves of them. This is a four part series, you can listen or watch the first three
Here at this link. It made me think about the first time I had to lose a lot of weight, I will write about that on my Fitness Log later today.
After church we went to Denny's to eat. It is still a great place to dine, all four of us eat for under 25.00 total!
Came home and the kids played an old video game. Do you remember the game station Atari, it came out in the early 80's. Was the first computer type game for your TV. It had all the games one would find in the Arcades at fairs and boardwalks. Like Centipede, Asteroid,Maze Craze and more. The one we have we purchased some years back. It is Called Atari Flashback 2, has 40 games stored in the console. We use to play it for hour in the 80's. My Mom loved the Centipede.
Later our daughter met up with a friend to go on a week vacation to the Eastern Shore. Hubby and I went to see Salt at the movies.I really enjoyed that movie, you can check out my review at Auntie E's Reviews(see side bar for link).
We did have a very bad Thunderstorm in our area around 3pm. It took down trees, killed a few people and cause havoc on the Mall in DC. This heat just brought the storm up and I believe that the national weather people did not see it coming. Hubby and I heard it while in the theater, sounded very bad. I heard that the Airports on the eastern seaboard grounded all planes during the storm. Heard there was a tornado spotted. However not sure if it touched down in our area. However the winds were wicked, uprooted trees and toss them onto the highways, moving cars, and homes. What a mess to clean up. It will take more than a day to do that clean up!
How was you weekend? Any exciting News for me?