101 Auntie E Street, Bloggersville, USA

101 Auntie E Street, Bloggersville, USA
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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Summer Daze #1-- Staying Cool?

Our heat is still in the triple digits and the pool is cooling us off nicely. Lemonade is a drink of choice, and Grilling out is a must. Trying not to heat the house up and keeping the house temp at 78 is the key to staying cool! What do you do to stay cool?

That's a "Ice Cube" in the pool..
A cool place to be on a hot day!


  1. That pool looks awesome. I wish we had one. We joined the Y, which has a new pool and big slides for the kids. Unfortunately, lately it's been ridiculously crowded and the water is too warm, more like a bath.

    We had a putzy AC system, and with the heat wave our indoor temps were topping out at 85! So we plugged over $500 into fixing the AC and another $300 to re-insulate the attic and fix the attic fan...finally indoor temps at 78 or below. Whew. Hope it cools down a little soon.

    Lemonade and popsicles are favorites here :)

  2. What is the ice cube thing? Just a toy, or thing to crawl into?


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