Friday evening we went out to see "Prince of Persia", hubby and I really liked it. Look for my review later this week on Auntie E's Reviews. Daughter and her boyfriend went to see "Karate Kid", they said it was like the original just updated. We have this entertainment book were the movies are free with the coupon. So we tend to go when there is something worth seeing to us. The kids usually do not want to see the same ones as us. Love the fact they are so many movies in one place. We can find times that are close and separate for the movies then meet up later. Oh to have teens, We can really date again now.
On Saturday we had a visit from a friend. Hubby's friend who retired from work, dropped by for a visit. It was the first time meeting him for me. They moved to Carolina some time back, then recently became friendly farmers with me in Farmville. Oh yes I play the game a little, still trying to figure it out. In the meanwhile I Plant crops, help other farmers out and harvest mostly. Do you play? I need more neighbors. Anyway.... My daughter made breakfast for us. French toast, bacon and Orange juice was on the menu. We visited over breakfast.
After breakfast,Hubby, daughter and I went to the Eastern shore for a surprise 16th birthday party. Met Sandy and Wally, their house was very nice. I knew the rest of the family just have never met them. sandy has three antique shops around the area. Wally is a contractor working with Plaster. The Party was at their home, out in the country. The girls all swam while the folks got ready and talked. It was great to be with folks our age! So many times we are with younger or much older folks. I really love that too, however to be with folks that were raised in the same era is priceless. We talked about the music, lifestyles, and seem to have the same likes today. Hubby loved getting to know Wally and having another male amongst all the females. Wally came outside, after being in the cool house for hours with hubby, and said "We have just solved all the worlds problems.." and laughed. I was glad they had a good time. I will be posting more about the party this week... including photos.
The weekend weather here was Hot and Humid. We were in the 90's and did have some scattered T-storms in the evening.
Sunday went to church, we went to the 12:30 service. Lyd spend the night with her girlfriend so we decided to go to the later service. That made us get home late. I made Hawaiian chicken with Mandarin steamed rice. I will post the recipe later on my Kitchen blog. Hubby nailed the baseboards in the closet of the
Vintage Sewing Room. We are getting ready for the Closet folks to install on Wednesday. Later we all watched," Sherlock Homes" and "Forest Gump".
How was your weekend?
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