101 Auntie E Street, Bloggersville, USA
101 Auntie E Street, Bloggersville, USA
Welcome, Back door is open, come in a sit Aspell..Let's talk...
Welcome, Back door is open, come in a sit Aspell..Let's talk...
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Dancing 2 The Butterfly
Dancers from Shizumi Kodomo Dance Troupe. The Children ages are from 4 to 16 years. All of the dancers are American Born. "Dance to the Butterfly" Enjoy
Monday, March 30, 2009
Cherry Blossoms 2 View

Saturday was the start of the National Cherry Blossom Festival. It will run until the 12th of April. If you Live within Driving or Metro distance of Washington DC you should try to attend at least once. This is one of Our National Parks events. There is so much history about the Trees. I will be posting some history, sights, sounds of this Festival for the next two weeks. Taking the festival around the Blogosphere. One should not miss out.
The Cherry Trees Journey to Washington DC took over 3 year. Planning started in 1888 when Eliza Scidmore of Madison Wisconsin met with the superintendents of Public Building and Grounds. As a photographer and writer she made her first trip to Japan in 1885 and fell in love with the Sakura(Cherry)trees. Thought they would look nice lining the Tidal Basin. Upon her return in 1888 she took her photographs and Postcards to the Superintendents of Public Buildings and Grounds. Eliza pined the photos the "most beautiful thing in the world-the Japanese cherry tree" Her efforts were unsuccessful. So,Eliza planed to raise funds to buy 100 cherry tree a year to plant. Hoping in ten years to line the waterway with 1000 trees. Before she could start this project William Howard Taft became President.Helen(Nellie) Herron Taft the First Lady heard about Eliza plan and wrote a Letter to her. Nellie Taft was in support of the trees being in Washington.
There were other people who also wanted the trees Planted,Marian Fairchild(daughter of Alexander Grand Bell). Her husband, Dr Fairchild work as an Official Plant explorer for the U.S.Department of Agriculture. He travel around the world looking for plants that could be imported to the U.S. The Fairchilds' lived in Maryland and had planted a successful Sakura-no (Cherry field) on their property. They started to plant the Cherry tree around the Washington area in 1908. Still no trees planted on the Potomac.
On August 30 1909 a letter was received from Japan stating that Tokyo intended to donate Cherry trees. Japan wanted them planted along the Potomac. the Cherry Trees were a Gift for the American role in the Peace Treaty, ending the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905. 2000 cherry Tree arrived in 1910 from Japan. However all but 6 trees were insect infected, and ordered to be Destroyed. The six trees were planted somewhere close to the National Park service Building near the Gulf Course. In 1912 6000 cherry tree arrived from Japan. 3000 for Washington DC and 3000 for New York city. The first tree was planted at the Tidal Basin by Mrs(Nellie)Taft in 1912. There were four witnesses,the Ambassador from Japan and wife, Viscountess Chinda, Colonel Spencer Cosby(Superintendent of Public Buildings and Grounds) and Eliza Scidmore.
The book "The Cherry Blossom Festival" by Ann McClellan is a good source if you wish to read more about the history.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Smiley Sunday
Friday, March 27, 2009
It's Aloha Friday

In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is a day one takes it easy and looks forward to the weekend. So I will participate on Fridays. Posting a simple question for you to answer. No lengthy response required.
If you’d like to participate, just post your own question on your blog and leave your link at An Island Life Please visit the other participants! What a Wonderful way to make new bloggy friends!
I love traveling to different countries. In my travels I have encounter all types of International foods. When traveling in Asia,I fell in love with the Fruit. Malaysian Fruit has the sweetest flavors. I long for some right now!
Here is the Question.
What is your favorite International food and Why?
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
I Sprang 2 Early?
Hubby says it's my fault. Here's what happened. We had some warm days,the first day of spring arrived. In my home I have dishes for every season. So, I put away the Winter dishes. Then the next day winter like weather returned. That is when hubby said it's my fault. It seems like I rushed the change over in my home. Now I think it was that Groundhogs fault. You know the one. It comes out, see's its shadow and then someone says 6 more weeks of winter. I can not remember what happened,did he see his shadow or not? Well, I will say, the Spring Dishes will remain out. I am ready for the spring to come.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Great Weekend 2 Tell About
Great Weekend! My husband wanted to go to a Garden Spring Show. So,we drove out to the Post to the site. It was empty....He had the wrong date. We went grocery shopping at the commissary as a family. I enjoy the family shopping with me. But,I have to say we spend more money together. By the time my daughter put all her teen sweets in the cart, and the hubby travels all around the store collecting his likes, the amount go up.
I found some Buffalo steaks at the commissary. I really like buffalo. I was having a dinner party on Sunday, Steak and Fries. I can not eat Beef Steaks,but buffalo suits me fine. Aren't those bag salad great!! An easy dinner salad. I added Bagged shredded carrots and some other ingredients.
On Sunday we went to McLean Virginia to church. My daughter like McLean Bible Church. It is a large church. If you are interested,they have live stream worship Sundays 0900 & 1045 EST. http://www.mcleanbibleinternet.org
We sometimes watch it a home. It is watched around the world. It takes us about 45 minutes to drive there.
Yesterday the traffic leaving church was stopped on the interstate. Hubby said we will take a different way. So,off we went, into DC. It was a nice ride. We traveled through Georgetown. My daughter and I had not been there before. It was busy and the Secret Service was there which tied up the road. Someone important was shopping, Maybe the First lady? My daughter wanted to know if there was a college near. She thought it was cool and wanted to live there. Told her she will need a few Grants to go to Georgetown University. However is it a good school and her being close to home would be nice.
One of the problems taking this short cut is It was no Shortcut! Took us about 1 1/2 hours to get back. I had dinner guest coming at 2pm. I still needed to pick up Russet potatoes. Thank God for Cell phones. Anyway Hubby wasn't sure how to get back. We have Onstar,so a call went out-Direction were downloaded and we were on our way. I just love technology :-)
We had a wonderful time eating and fellowshipping with our friends. Enjoyed playing Wii. The kids even show me some new things to download from the Wii.
What a wonderful Weekend. By the way my teen daughter did get to reserve the Twilight DVD. Which I will pick up for her today. How was your Weekend?
I found some Buffalo steaks at the commissary. I really like buffalo. I was having a dinner party on Sunday, Steak and Fries. I can not eat Beef Steaks,but buffalo suits me fine. Aren't those bag salad great!! An easy dinner salad. I added Bagged shredded carrots and some other ingredients.
On Sunday we went to McLean Virginia to church. My daughter like McLean Bible Church. It is a large church. If you are interested,they have live stream worship Sundays 0900 & 1045 EST. http://www.mcleanbibleinternet.org
We sometimes watch it a home. It is watched around the world. It takes us about 45 minutes to drive there.
Yesterday the traffic leaving church was stopped on the interstate. Hubby said we will take a different way. So,off we went, into DC. It was a nice ride. We traveled through Georgetown. My daughter and I had not been there before. It was busy and the Secret Service was there which tied up the road. Someone important was shopping, Maybe the First lady? My daughter wanted to know if there was a college near. She thought it was cool and wanted to live there. Told her she will need a few Grants to go to Georgetown University. However is it a good school and her being close to home would be nice.
One of the problems taking this short cut is It was no Shortcut! Took us about 1 1/2 hours to get back. I had dinner guest coming at 2pm. I still needed to pick up Russet potatoes. Thank God for Cell phones. Anyway Hubby wasn't sure how to get back. We have Onstar,so a call went out-Direction were downloaded and we were on our way. I just love technology :-)
We had a wonderful time eating and fellowshipping with our friends. Enjoyed playing Wii. The kids even show me some new things to download from the Wii.
What a wonderful Weekend. By the way my teen daughter did get to reserve the Twilight DVD. Which I will pick up for her today. How was your Weekend?
Friday, March 20, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Love 2 Read?
Ran across a New Book Review for " Diamonds in the Shadow" by Caroline B Cooney. It seems like a interesting Book. My daughter and I Love to read. The site is having a Giveaway for the Book. If you love to read or know someone who does, Take a look.http://www.threedifferentdirections.com
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
How I Started 2 Day
How is your day going? Started my day at about 5:45am. Usually Start pot of Coffee, turn on Laptop, pack my child's Lunch, Say good morning to Hubby(he already up and Working), check on child(is she Up) and Make that Cup of Joe. My Daughter comes in kitchen ask if we can drive her to Bus stop (only a block away). She doesn't want to wear a coat and It's too Dark. The coat issue is one that I hear all teens have. Do not understand that one. Child states can not get to Locker and make it to the bus. So, My rule is if the temp is below 32 fh degree a coat must be worn. So far she has ridden the bus home with Coat on. I only had to pick her up once and the coat didn't make it home with her once. Not so bad. Tell me How you Start your Day.
Monday, March 16, 2009
2 Change Or Not 2 Change?
It has been a Busy weekend. I worked on my New Widget for days. Trying to get my programs to work with me. The Pixel size was right and I was able to save it in jpeg file form but, My attempts to upload it in Entrecard failed every time. I bought a new program I thought would work in Windows XP however, it did not work. My family felt deprived and neglected. I finally ask a Dear Friend to help. She has a mac. The Widget was fixed by her and now it is up. Thankyou,thankyou,Thankyou. I have always work in the Windows Frame. Since the beginning of the Windows era. I started out work in the DOS Mode. Learn all about the Dos Ways. When Windows came on the seen I was skeptical. It took my Husband,the computer Geek, to Start my up. I did all my Bill paying and Documents in the DOS form. So window was a learning Curve for me. I embraced it in 2000. Been learning ever since. One thing going for me is my Geek Hubby. He Trouble shoots for me, Helps me through new apps, and continues to update me. The thought of going Mac has crossed my mind. Just do not know if I am up to, change is difficult for me. I will be getting a new Notebook soon and I am seriously thinking about Mac.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Fitness Friday 2 Day
It's Fitness Friday! So Here I go, I did my exercises. Lost about 2lb. Great for me? I need to really pay attention to eating habits. the Wii Trainer is so funny at times. telling me I am not ready for a exercise. The Hula hoop is crazy,still haven't figured out how to catch the hula hoop. Went to read some old Post from Fitness Friday followers. One comment posted on Weighing In," My clothes must weigh 150 lb" was so funny I LOL sooooo much . Boy I like that comment.
Look what I got : Thanks Tina
Look what I got : Thanks Tina

Thursday, March 12, 2009
A Time 2 Remember the Fallen

Norfolk, Virginia, P.D.
Norfolk, VA
Date of Death: 05/16/1961
Panel 20, E -16
This is my Grandfather. Every year in May we Honor the Fallen Officers. I live Near DC and have attended the memorial there. I see his name on the Wall and Remember All the time I could of had, taken away. By a man who we didn't know.
Been told I walk like him, think like him and now I only have childhood memories. He was murder when I was 6 year old. I did not even get to see him put to rest. We lived in Cincinnati Ohio. Airplanes were expensive. My parents managed to raise funds for them to go. My brothers and I stayed with friends. I was told the Streets were lined with People for miles. So many there wasn't room at the Church or the cemetery for them. My Grandfather was so loved.
When my mother,his daughter was here on earth. Each year she used to speak of Grandpa and kept him spirit alive. She opened a Concern of Survivors (C.O.P.S.)Chapter in the State of Virginia 20+ years ago. Her compassion for the survivors was great. If someone needed help she was there. Went to Court with them as they attended the trials. Set up activities for the Families. From Picnics, support groups, to Christmas parties complete with Santa Visits. Her life was dedicated to helping the ones left behind continue with life.
National Police Week Starts this year on May 13th in Washington DC. It is a time to remember the fallen. To mourn with the Survivors. To let the Nation know we Care and their deaths meant something for our Nation. If you are in the area plan to attend the Candlelight Vigil at the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial. Read the names on the Wall. For info email: vigil@nleomf.com or call 202-737-3400.
Towns across the United States will have Memorial services in May. Check your town. Plan to attend and show your support.
Robert C Wash's Wife is still living She is 91. Her memory of him is pretty good. Norfolk will have a service this year May 16th and She will be there. My uncle will also attend. He followed in Grandpa Steps. Grandpa would of been proud of him. Just think of all the surviving families of fallen officers and what they miss out on.
This Year will you remember the Survivors in May. Show you care by flying a blue ribbon. You can get "Fly The Blue" Ribbons by emailing; cops@nationalcops.org , or fax your request (573-346-1414), citing the number of ribbons and the mailing address where the ribbons should be sent(they are free). Display the ribbon the week of May10-16.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Ready 2 Start the Day?
When You Drop By Post your Favorite Morning Joe in My comments. Mine Is Coffee With a Flavored Cream. The coffee I like is Folgers Black Silk or Starbucks Winter blend. I like Nestle Coffee-Mate Better. It is Lower in Sat fats, and Calories. My Favorites are Hazelnut, Vanilla, Black Cherry Streusel and Amaretto. When I have a Favored Brew Coffee then I like the Italian Sweet Cream.
Now Be A Dear And Tell Me Your Favorite Morning Joe. Have a nice Day.
Now Be A Dear And Tell Me Your Favorite Morning Joe. Have a nice Day.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Ready 2 Start Fitness Friday
Hubby and I received Our Wii Fit console today. Ready to Start getting fit. It has been rough trying to stay focused on Loosing weight.The yo yo has been discouraging. Now we are determined to loose it for good. With the summer coming up and the trips planed, I need to get in all those summer clothes in my wardrobe. To get in better shape for all those activities planed. Here we go, Joined the Fitness Friday Wii Mommies. Will be giving Progress update on Fridays. Stay tuned or join Me (see below on right, sites I follow). Click on the Wii Mommies Widget.
Traveling 2 the West -here we come.
Planning a summer trip to the West U.S.A. States. The dates have been set, 20 days in July. Vacation time submitted. So, Now we start the itinerary.
When I was about 12 my parents planed a trip through the west. I remember it well. We were going to move to Upstate New York. My Father was going to Minister at a church in Belmont. The Money was not going to be enough to support us. So, it was suggested by a missions group to raise support. Mom and Dad Planed a trip to visit several Churches. We took a Camper hooked it to a Rambler and began the trip. We left Peaks Mill Kentucky and started out. Visited; the Crater Rock, Painted dessert, Grand canyon, Ghost towns,Death Valley, Yellow stone National Park, Salt Lake City,California, Las Vegas and many more places. Believed we traveled though 17 states. I enjoyed the adventure. Mom would read info about the place we were traveling to in the car. My Brothers and I played car games. The ones like Car Bingo, Sign alphabet and some we invented.
Later in life I moved to the west. Lived in Colorado, California, Texas, Indiana and Missouri. My Husband and I visited some of the same sites in the 1980. I wanted to share some of my memories with him. Now it is time to share them with my Daughter.
I am so excited about this trip. Having family time Planing, Plotting the route and researching what is out there. Any suggestion would be appreciated.
I thought about traveling Route 66. This is an old route across the west,so much History. We will be driving, supporting the economy. I will not be towing a camper. Those day are over for me. I like a hotel with amenities.
All I have to say now is: Lets start the Show.
When I was about 12 my parents planed a trip through the west. I remember it well. We were going to move to Upstate New York. My Father was going to Minister at a church in Belmont. The Money was not going to be enough to support us. So, it was suggested by a missions group to raise support. Mom and Dad Planed a trip to visit several Churches. We took a Camper hooked it to a Rambler and began the trip. We left Peaks Mill Kentucky and started out. Visited; the Crater Rock, Painted dessert, Grand canyon, Ghost towns,Death Valley, Yellow stone National Park, Salt Lake City,California, Las Vegas and many more places. Believed we traveled though 17 states. I enjoyed the adventure. Mom would read info about the place we were traveling to in the car. My Brothers and I played car games. The ones like Car Bingo, Sign alphabet and some we invented.
Later in life I moved to the west. Lived in Colorado, California, Texas, Indiana and Missouri. My Husband and I visited some of the same sites in the 1980. I wanted to share some of my memories with him. Now it is time to share them with my Daughter.
I am so excited about this trip. Having family time Planing, Plotting the route and researching what is out there. Any suggestion would be appreciated.
I thought about traveling Route 66. This is an old route across the west,so much History. We will be driving, supporting the economy. I will not be towing a camper. Those day are over for me. I like a hotel with amenities.
All I have to say now is: Lets start the Show.
family fun,
Our summer trip planning,
Sunday, March 8, 2009
2 Sweet Party
The Birthday Party was a success. My daughter loved it. the weather was great,74 degrees. The chocolate fountain was outside and the teens huddled around it. Games were few. Therefore the teens got to hang out allot. thought I would share some photos:
The chocolate fountain

It's cake time
Teens love food
Friday, March 6, 2009
Blog 2 Blog Hopping Made easy.
I have been visiting other blogs this week. It has been great! Enjoyed reading other thoughts. Have learned a lot from bog hopping. Tips on Dry hand curers, recipes for Cinnamon Buns, How to save money, advice on teens and the how to for blogs. Some of the places I go makes me think back when I lived in other countries, visited other places or just my Teen life.
In case you are new to this, as I am, there is a Widget on my blog called Entrecard (right side). You simply curser over to it and click in the picture. It will take you to a blog. There is an Entrecard widget at most of the sites I lead you to. So, you can Blog Hop (as I call it).
Now in the lower right there is "Sites I follow" You may click on them and go to their sites. I have been to all the sites that are or will be listed on my Blog.
The Entrecard Widget Changes everyday. This means you can go somewhere new every day. There you have it. Have at it, Start your Trip, Go Travel, no cost, and you can learn so much. It might even get your mind in the travel mode. Enjoy.
In case you are new to this, as I am, there is a Widget on my blog called Entrecard (right side). You simply curser over to it and click in the picture. It will take you to a blog. There is an Entrecard widget at most of the sites I lead you to. So, you can Blog Hop (as I call it).
Now in the lower right there is "Sites I follow" You may click on them and go to their sites. I have been to all the sites that are or will be listed on my Blog.
The Entrecard Widget Changes everyday. This means you can go somewhere new every day. There you have it. Have at it, Start your Trip, Go Travel, no cost, and you can learn so much. It might even get your mind in the travel mode. Enjoy.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Need 2 Find Teen Games
A teen Birthday(15)coming up this Saturday. She wants a home party. What does a Teen expect? I have searched the web, asked phone and Facebook Friends, and have Ask her. Friends said make sure you have something for them to do, They get bored easily. However they have no suggestions. The web seems to have no info on Teen Parties. The games seem Childish and the themes are not appealing. We have a Theme, Irish, St Patty. I thought about a Chocolate Fountain,since that is her favorite Food. I have Food plan. One Starter game,I think is not childish. This game will continue thought out the party. The weather is suppose to be in the 60s. And we have a large deck plus a Stone patio. Our home is average in size. We can have games inside. We have a large basement. There will be 8 co.ed teens coming. If you are up on the teens social names, They call themselves Emo. All the info I did get said 3 hours is better for teens. Now I need Suggestions on teen fun games!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
2 Be Young Again.

We had our snow storm, about 5 inches. It was beautiful falling. I was reminded of living in Rochester. There we had winters complete with snow. I believe that is when I really fell in Love with the stuff. One of my brothers had a paper route. I remember one Snow storm that produced 3+ft. You could not see the fire hydrants. As you know the papers had to be delivered. The family got together and delivered those papers.
That same day my brother and I decided to go to the hospital to visit a friend. We took the bus. By the time the bus arrived and Blizzard had started again! I could not even see the front of my hand. Lost my brother, ducked into a frat house to get warm and get my bearings. When I arrived at the hospital my brother was already there. I was not happy with him leaving me. Oh well, we visited and then took the bus home. Mom told us we were crazy. We could have gotten frostbite,( we were visiting a friend who did have frostbite). We were young and naive.
When I was stationed in Colorado I was so happy. SNOW.SNOW.SNOW. I think i am reverting back to my younger years. All I wanted to do is play in the snow. Snowshoeing, Sledding, Even Skiing again,which I am not good at. But cross country skiing sound great. Oh the winter snow, it is not great here but in the mountains, Garrett county, Oh the dreams I could have.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Everyone has fun at Auntie E

What a weekend. I picked up my g-nephew (Critter) near DC. He is 5 now. We got back and He wanted to play in My Park. That is my backyard. He thinks it is a park. On Friday we went to Port Discovery in Baltimore. A place that is kid friendly. There was allot to do. We climb in a three story tree house with slides and rope bridges. There was a water activity. A cafe, a Egypt display , a rodeo display (with movies)and a working gas station with market called Royal Farms ( A Maryland 7-11 type). It was a fun time.
That evening we went ice skating. Or I should say My daughter and her friends help Critter skate at the rink. Saturday we went to BWI airport to watch the airplanes and play at the airport center park. I could of stayed for hours. Critter had his fill and we came home. He played in the backyard.
He loves to cook. We made apple fritters, apple pie and pizza. Cooked cookies.
I have so much fun when he visits.
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