101 Auntie E Street, Bloggersville, USA

101 Auntie E Street, Bloggersville, USA
Welcome, Back door is open, come in a sit Aspell..Let's talk...

Friday, January 27, 2012

Aloha Friday-What's in your Medicine cabinet?

Let's talk the medicine Cabinet. What to have in it for the flu and cold season
Zinc in you , ginseng, camphor oil. Zinc is a good one to take during the season. Ginseng make a good tea and boost your immune system. Camphor oil is a soothing oil for your nose as well as in the humidifier. All will help you out.

So what is your Cold and flu prevention plan?
Do you have anything tools in your Medicine Cabinet.?
Are you even preventing it?

Do visit AnIslandLife for move Aloha Friday Questions.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Monday News..Family Update

Another Monday had arrived. I have been listening to my new MP3 player. It had Golden Oldies on it, 1000 songs already loaded into it. Enjoying the memories back in my mind. Had forgotten some of the song, however the memories of the season flooded back. Oh those were the days my friend.... Oh a song title, hehehe. Do you remember that one? Do you have a favorite oldie song?

My weekend was a good one. First off we have a first snow fall. Not that great but it is the sign of Winter being here. Love the snow, want more of it. We were planning to go to Charlottesville this past weekend. With the ice and snow storm the decision to not go was made.

I made Creamed potatoes and Sweinbraten for dinner on Saturday. Had lots of potatoes in my pantry. Will put the recipe on my kitchen site. it was very good and easy to make. We watched some TV and enjoyed the day.

Sunday was church day. Hubby and I started a Christianity 201 class. This one is on Living a Christ filled life. It is at McLean University, a six week class. We were studying the Holy Spirit. I think the class will be good for our growth.

Once home on Sunday we watch a program about Gator handlers. They are folks that collect the Gators that make their way into the Property of folks in Florida. A Very Interesting show. One of the handlers turn over their overflow gators to a rescue for gators. He told the folks that George was a good friends of his. Now George is a gator. He told the Rescue folks that when he comes back he could call for George and he will come to him from out of the water, No matter where George it at. Now the Folk really teased the handler about this. Saying things like George wrote a farewell letter and had moved on....

The day came to go call for George at the Rescue. The Handler rode his bike to the rescue. Stood on the Shoreline and called for George. The Rescuers laughed and continued to tease the Handler. Low and Behold the Gator started coming. You could see it making its' way though all the other gators. George came all the way and out of the water to greet the handler. All the Rescuers where taken back. How could this be!? Well we saw it and my Husband was shocked also. As for Me I was not. If the Gator had been with the Handler for years and he took care of him, Why would he not recognize his voice. I think this was a great show of Gods Animals and How a Godly caretaker can be. He did profess to be a Believer in God. The Handlers remove all the gators alive and unhurt from properties. They put them in their facilities until the can move them to the rescue habitat.

Sometimes we find a great TV show to watch!

So, How was your weekend? Anything you want to share?

If you stop by why not leave your link. That way we all can visit you back. Building new Blogger friends is great. I love to visit those who stop by. Leave a comment if you please and I will leave one for you. Welcome to my Blog Home. May you always stop by and Sit Aspell.

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Friday, January 20, 2012

Aloha Friday-Home Crafting

Home crafting is one thing I have enjoyed through my Life. Whether it be Quilting, Knitting, Painting or anything that my hands can do it was very interesting to me. this year I want to get back in the Vintage Sewing Room to start all those items awaiting me.

My question to you....

Do you have projects awaiting for you from years gone by? What is your enjoyment besides the Computer and blogging to do? Are you the Crafty kind or the Designer person?

Oh I know more then one question. Hope you can find one to answer for me.

Be sure to stop be An Island Life to answer more questions and Visit more Bloggers.

You can link here if you are not part of Aloha Friday. Today it a free Link Day, enjoy. Let's visit some new sites.

Free Link Day. This is a day I choose to let anyone link. The purpose is to visit some new sites and meet new folks. Let's have a surfing day of fun.

I will be doing this different days for a while to get to know more bloggers. Welcome to my BloggerHome. Sit a spell and share.

1. Baba's Farm Life  2. Stacy Uncorked  

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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

WW- Family Fun

Interested in wordless Wednesday? Click on the Icon.

There are only Three of us in my immediate family...But we know how to have fun!

Monday, January 16, 2012

MLK DAY......School out.

Today is Martin Luther Kings Day. I just do not know about this one. Some People still believe that they are not equal. As well as some folks believe they are better off. Mix thoughts make it so hard to understand this holiday. I tend to look at it as a Day for School to be out. The Kids are not all sure what this means to them. As like in History, it will be lost in the history books at some point and he will just be one of the great speakers of old. As it is now it is referred to as MLK Day! One has to know what that stands for. All I am hear across the wave is MLK DAY.

As a child I never knew there was a segregation problem. My school always had a mixture of people and ethnics. My parent never made a big deal about it, we had many friends of all colors. I was raised mostly in the North and we all got along. The only problem we had was with the Bikers at school. They caused a few riots. I always had a array of friends and never knew anyone who was prejudice. In Gods eyes we are all the same, Created by Him to do a good work. I think We all do good works. And if you study Slavery you will see it involve many ethnics not just one Clan.

Now I do believe MLK was a great man and caused a group of folks to start thinking differently. He did start a change to trickle down, and we the world, are moving forward. There are more opportunities for all people than ever before. We had an array of material to read, written by all kinds of folks. We have the ability to have speakers to talk about almost anything. Now this all sound like Americas Freedoms. Even Lincoln was for equal rights.

So back to the thought of this day out of school. I really do not agree with it. Perhaps they should be in school and learning about the Great Speakers of our Nation. Instead of rejoicing for a day off. Just to be able to sleep in and hang out with friends. So maybe today we could ask a couple of kids, across the age group, " Why are you out of school today?".
Will we hear from them about Martin Luther King?

Friday, January 13, 2012

Aloha Friday-The Plan versus Resolution

So, how many of you have continued with Your New Plan for the year?

As for me.... I really am just continuing on the road to a healthier me. This week I have done well on the Meat twice a week Plan. Having Soup and Veggies mostly. Still on the Sensa Plan. Loosing slowly but I am loosing!

I really do not call these thing resolutions. That is because my feeling is resolutions seem to rarely make it to the third month of the year. However a Plan can be modified as needed, making it easier to get done or achieved. This months plan is working well so far.

Answer more questions or just join in the Aloha Friday Blog hop fun at An Island Life.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Monday News..Say What!!!!

The weekend was an interesting one. With a teen in the home life can be trying. I think it is hard to be parent to a young person who thinks they have become overnight an Adult. Now at 17, and might I say always adding one extra year on, She thinks we have ceased being Parents.

Remembering back when I was a teen helps me stay grounded. However today's teens have this different view on things. Asking in a statement form instead of a question form. A more demanding tone instead of a kinder one. I think she will work on those Forms and tones.

So on Friday we were told about her plans for the weekend. Movies, Mall, Exercise, overnight stay possibilities among other places to take her. Yep We have become a Taxi service. Taking a back seat to being a parent. Maybe we should start charging taxi prices..... when the taxi service is demanded instead of the asking method.

Anyway, on Friday evening took her to a friends house. Didn't turn out well for her there.. A girlfriends boyfriend competition . Saturday travel to exercise class, drop off and then pick up in a couple hours. Back home, she went back to bed. Awoke, Not happy, wanted to go to a movie. Found someone to go with her. Back in the Car to the Movies, drop off. Come back home.... a couple hours back to pick her up.

Sunday to Church... spend time with family. Had a nice lunch. It was great to see the kids. I haven't seen them since Christmas Eve.
As for my daughter, she went back to bed after we came home... It must be nice to be a teen and be able to just sleep, eat and have a taxi service at her beckon call.

So that was my weekend, nothing really exciting. Well unless you call taking down some holiday lighting and cleaning exciting. I did manage to do some of that work.

Also on Friday hubby surgery was cancelled for this Tuesday. Still not cleared on the Blood clots issue. We are still working through some health issues in the household. Lord willing we will get through these in a healthy way.

How was your weekend, Bland, Kid filled or just too exciting to handle?

So, You can leave your link here after commenting. The key here is to comment and then you will have a privledge to leave your link. All links not leaving a comment will be deleted.

1. Gattina, Belgium  

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Friday, January 6, 2012

Aloha Friday-Favorite Tech tools.

Here we are in a new year 2012. When I was in my teens ( 1960's) the thought of being alive in the year 2012 was unheard of. Guess the mind just didn't conceive it. My grandmothers were in their late 40's, parents in the 30's and I had only a couple great grandparents alive, They were in their 70's. Therefore at the age of 16 the thought of the year 2000 and being here was not applicable.

do you remember the year 2000? everyone thought the world would end as we knew it. It did not, In fact we have made great progress in technology. Smaller cell phones, No longer distant fees, Internet that go all over other the world and new ways to cook food. Music at the drop of a hat, any time you want it. Paying one carrier for TV, Internet and Phone. Games to play with folks from far away and Cars that run on Solar and re chargeable Batteries. I am still waiting for the ones the Fly!

And my hubby just asked me if a "Googled it"! Let's add that to the mix. We can find out anything from car symptoms to health problems. Boy that can keep the doctors and auto mechanics on their toes.
Oh and one more thing shopping. We can get anything delivered to our door and pay just as much or maybe less for it online.

Technology in this century as so great. I am happy that I am here to see it and share in it.

Now to your questions.......

What is you favorite Technology tool in this year? What are you hoping to see this year in a new tech tool?

My answers.... I love the internet and the ability to interface with so many folks from around the world.
I am hoping that they will discover how to clean my whole house in 10 minutes. Now that I think I will work on. Start timing it folks and let's get those patent in. Think of the millions we could make. Beware "Shark Tank" we are coming your way.

don't forget to visit An Island Life to see more Friday questions.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Monday News.. A Look back on the week

Boy this was a great week. We went to The Gaylord National on the National Harbor for a few days. Saw some great things there.
This is a show of all ice sculptures. The Temps was 5 degrees. Every thing was made from ice. They handed out parkas to keep one warm as we walked through.

This was a slide made out of Ice.
Hubby and daughter went down it.
We had breakfast with some Characters from Shrek

Then we bumped into some friends and they told us to walk into the town. There we saw big tree.

On Friday we took a boat to Old Alexandra. Had not been there before. I really like it. The was a free King Street trolley. So we hopped on and got to see a lot. Now we know how to get there by the Metro. We will surely go back there for a day.

Next we drove home, traffic was not bad.

Saturday went out to the Mall to return a few things. Not presents just some items I purchased. The mall closed early due to New Years Eve. We came home and rang in the New year There. I can never seem to stay awake on that day. It seems like I can on other days but the New Years Eve. Anyway I did wake up to firecrackers going off in the neighborhood. It is against the law here, but the folks do not care about Laws! I always thank the Lord the homes do not catch fire.

One thing I missed this year was the Rose Parade and game. It was moved to Monday,today, I did not like that! I feel It is an American tradition to watch it on News Years Day. Yesterday felt like a regular day. Now the Kids here will not get to enjoy the parade or game. Because they had to go to school! No Holiday for them only for the Nation! What a mistake our county made.

Be sure to visit Writer Cramps to see more Monday's Miss Marple. You never know when you need that Alibi!
I add this post to Blue Monday this week, you can see more Blue Photos at Smiling Sally