101 Auntie E Street, Bloggersville, USA

101 Auntie E Street, Bloggersville, USA
Welcome, Back door is open, come in a sit Aspell..Let's talk...

Sunday, October 31, 2010


I remember years ago Halloween being a great time of fun and giving to UNICEF. What happen to those days? Today we get kids who love to egg things and move/take things from your Porches/yards. Even those who love to smash the Jack-o-lanterns. What has this young society become?

In the 90's we stopped participating in this days activities. I read a book about the origin of the day. How and why the Jack-0-lanterns were put out and the beliefs of the Dead roaming the earth, looking for a way to get to the other side. Some even believe that this is a day of power for the witches and evil side.

This All Hallows Eve has been around for centuries, dating back to Medieval times. The belief that this day was when the two worlds, heaven and hell, could communicate. Opening up a void between the two places. Causing all kinds of strange happens on this earth.

Now, according to the Bible this could not happen. For you see the great void between Heaven and Hell is permanent. Allowing no crossing over from one side to the other. According to Biblical Scriptures Luke 16:26. So how did this Halloween belief evolve into such a wide spread thing?

For a better knowledge I turn you to this quote by Rachael Bellerby:

"In 601AD, Pope Gregory made an important directive. He announced that Christian missionaries were to take a new tack when attempting to convert pagans to the Christian religion. Christian missionaries he said, where possible, should incorporate the beliefs, festivals and sacred sites of pagan beliefs into the Christian religion. This directive meant that the important Celtic festival of Samhain had to be marked in a Christian manner.

In the year 609AD, All Saints Day was officially designated a Church feast, which was celebrated in May and was later moved to November by Pope Gregory in 835AD. The Christian Church may have intended that people would spend their time praying for the souls of the dead on an important holy day. However, the fact that this was a day off from work gave many people even more of an excuse to celebrate Halloween with more excitement and excess than ever.

In the eleventh century, a further festival was added to the church calendar; All Souls Day on 2 November. The three festivals of All-Hallows Eve, All Saints and All Souls were together known as Hallowmas"

I think it is a better explanation of How the Festival came to be. Making this Holiday of Halloween we celebrate, a day created by a earthy man, trying to lead folks to Christ. By taking some ancient mythologies and tales and turning them into a step to Christianity. Now that's surely gives another meaning to the phrase; All things work for the glory of God!(I believe taken from Romans 8:28, although not a literal translation.)

*quote written by Rachel Bellerby of Suite 101.com, the text is hyperlinked to her article.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

My Favorite Song Weekend- Roller skating

So, this morning I woke up with this song in my head! I must be reliving a childhood memories...Or maybe it's the new commercial of the baby rolling down the path in his walker. Have you seen that one, it's about sending photos via cell phone to the printer at home. Now I would love one of those in my house! Well, whatever the reason for the song in my head, now I will put it in Yours.......

Friday, October 29, 2010

Aloha Friday-Visitation.

Tis the month for visitations. That's right from the little goblins to surfing the net. That got me thinking and a question arose.....
How do you decide on leaving a comment?
Is it just on Meme you participate in or maybe your favorite blogger. Perhaps you are one of the folks that return comments of those who comment on your blog. I know sometimes there isn't much to say, however leaving a short comment can brighten ones day.
So the question remains... How do you decide on leaving a comment?

Now for me... well I have been working on leaving comments on every blog linked to the memes I play. Also if one comments on my blog and leaves a way to comment back I will. However if the blog is just a Sales or giveaway blog I usually do not leave comments. I really love blogs that have photos or interesting articles. I will leave comments there. Now I love receiving comments on my blogs. It makes me feel so great. Sometimes when I receive none I think that subject wasn't interesting to my Visitors. So I tend to not continue the subject matter. Okay I have said enough now it time for you answer to the Question......
How do you decide whether to leave a comment?

New Link system for me. Try it out for me.  If you land here and have a Friday Post be sure to link up so we can visit your blog .Always looking for new blogs to visit.

1. Texifornia  3. Scribbleprints  5. Cindy H. @lifeonprint  
2. Such Fun to Give  4. Midday Escapades  6. Jen @ Miss Organic's Kitchen  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

For more Aloha Friday Questions visit Kailani at An Island Life

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

WW-Special Sighting

Interested in wordless Wednesday?
Check out this Link to sign up.

When some of us blogger need to just add words on Wednesday's post. Surf over to Parenting by Dummies to join the Wordful Wednesday group.

While at the Science and Engineering Expo...
we got to see these people.Bill Nye the Science Guy.
We all remember him right?
He presented the awards for best Science Videos.
These two got first place for a rap about Science and School.

Some of our new Actors.
From the NCIS-Los Angeles Show.
Daniela Rush- "Special Agent Kensi Byle"
Barrett Fea- "Eric Beale"

Daughter with Daniela and Eric.
We were give personal sign photo!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Monday's News- Family and a Surprise

Well my weekend was nice. Saturday we stay around the house. I did some posting on my blogs. Some brainstorming for up coming post. Thinking of doing a Holiday flare on my Kitchen site. That's where we can all link up are favorite Holiday recipes for the next eight weeks. Who isn't looking for the perfect Wow dish to make for the holidays. It will be part of my The Thursday's PotLuck Club, A Holiday Flare. Working on a Icon this week to go with it. Each Thursday blogger's can link their recipes up. Then we all can check them out.

Daughter went to a Fright fest with some friends, she had a blast and I am sure will be posting something on her blog soon.

Sunday went to church, met up with family. Had lunch together and off my family went to the Science and Engineering Fair, in DC Washington. We saw a couple of big stars, one most people know world wide and a couple maybe only state side. Be looking for the surprise stars on Wednesday's post. We had a great time at the Fair. The only thing was, not enough time to see it all. Decided next year we will do both days. They was a lot to see, over 150 tents and lots of things for everyone. Science really is fun and Engineering, well if I had to do life over again... engineering would be a great field of work. Maybe Nursing is a little of engineering and science however I really love the study of machinery. Figuring how things work is fascinating to me. I am glad I live in this world of technology.

So here is the Big Surprise.... I made a phone call from my cell, while on the road, to talk to Dad. He was at my brothers helping out and getting ready to head back to Virginia. I ask him if he would like to come stay a couple of days with us. My daughter has a school concert coming up and it is my birthday. To my surprise he said yes! So when we arrived home from DC, my Dad was in our house to welcome us. It is so good to see him. We will celebrate my Birthday together by attending my daughters concert.

For more Miss Marple-what did you do this weekend? visit Writer Cramps

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Silly Saturday-Just Silly Stuff

Well I thought I would do something A little different this weekend. Post a Silly Saturday post.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Aloha Friday-Dreams

Oh the dreams we dream.....

Ever wish you could just control your dreams?

Sometimes my dreams will be a hodgepodge of things. However this one thing will just pop up. I can't seem to catch it before it's gone. It for just a moment and then someone else pops in. Now if I could just control it, I could make that fleeting moment last a little longer, long enough to find out what she wants.....

Always looking for some Friday Memes. This meme is called Aloha Friday, sponsored by Kialani at An Island Life.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

WW-The Old Well

Interested in wordless Wednesday?
Check out this Link to sign up.

When some of us blogger need to just add words on Wednesday's post. Surf over to Parenting by Dummies to join the Wordful Wednesday group.

Still in the eerie month of October we are. So now ye can get rid of those demons that follow ye.

Drop ye money here
in this Cursing well.

for the sign is clear.

Feel your life could be no worst
Toss in a coin and make a curse...
Curse your enemies, curse your fate,
Curse Stupidity, War and Hate.
and if you make your curses well,
You'll send your demons
Back to Hell!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Monday's News- Slow weekend.

Daughter had Friday off due to a teacher conference. We didn't do much. I worked on costumes for the kids parties. Manage to finish all the little ones. Made some trips to the Fabric store, grocery store and farmers market.
Daughter had friends over. I made some...

German Brotchen, Recipe is here.

Saturday hubby had to work. That meant Daughter and I stayed home. Well, not really.... we went out to eat at Red Robins, saw her Boyfriend there, he didn't see us! Now why are teens so oblivious to their surroundings. I do not think I would want to ride in a car with him. We walked right pass him and he walked pass us! When my daughter text him, his words were "oh really, I didn't see you! Now they were siting right next to the entrance door. We met up with hubby and went to Target to shop a little.

Sunday I had a cooking class on Slow cooking and Roasting tough meats. It was okay, I did purchase some kitchen Gadgets. Will be putting them on My Kitchen site for weekend gadgets posts.I love new gadgets for the kitchen. Anything to make cooking prep easier. I take the classes cause I get a discount at the store and this is an expensive store. However it is a nice one. We ate at the Cheesecake Factory. I had the Ricotta Lemon pancakes, they were great.

How was your weekend.. anything to tell? Love to hear it all, maybe I get some ideas.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Aloha Friday-Blog Specialty?

Aloha Friday is sponsored by Kailani at An Island Life.

Every one has a specialty in life. They choose to blog because of it. Whether it be to sell somethings, to give out knowledge, or just to share life's on-goings. So this is the time to place in my comment what your blog specialty is and then Link it up on my Linky. Yes this is a freebie chance, no strings attached..... Oh just maybe one. You must Comment to have your Link shown. In the comment you must say what your blog is about.

So on with the question:

What type of blog do you have?

Now remember you must state in the comments what your blog is about. Otherwise your link will be deleted.Please be sure to leave the name of your link in the comment, that way folks will know which one you are, and I will not delete you by accident. Let's lead folks who are interested in our blog to us.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

WW-Ghostly Water Dance

Interested in wordless Wednesday?
Check out this Link to sign up.

When some of us blogger need to just add words on Wednesday's post. Surf over to Parenting by Dummies to join the Wordful Wednesday group.

It's Wednesday and I think time for a strange photo. After all it's getting to be that time of year. You know when the Spirits roam.
Ghostly Dance -Canada
The fountain was so beautiful.
It wasn't until I view the photo on the camera...
then I saw the figures.
Capture only on film, for the human eye did not see them.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Monday's News-Nice easy weekend

Happy Columbus Day America!
Yes today is the day we celebrate an Historical event for our land. If it wasn't for this man we would not be America. Oh I'm sure the land would have been discovered at some point. However this is the History we were handed.

Christopher Columbus
landing on America soil in 1492 .

We are grateful for his findings, otherwise we would not be here today. I remember when all the schools and business where close for this day. Nowadays the kids still attend school, in our area and all the stores have Columbus days sales. Only the government is off. Well at least I have a day with hubby all to myself.

As far as my weekend; Saturday I cut out critters Batman Costume in My New vintage Sewing room. Went to Franks Market to purchase some Mums for the Garden plot in the front. Hubby got some Cortland apples, his favorite ones.Worked on a 101010 post for Sunday. Collected my Favorite photos of the year so far as well as one from years gone by.

Now for Sunday a most perfect day. Listen to sermon, made me think about some things in my life. Posted the 101010 post, with ten perfect memory photos..(the link to them are below this post).

Then we went to Annapolis for a Cooking class on Root Vegetables. I am not one for Beets. Mom would pickle them and try to get me to eat some. At the Cooking class they were Roasted in the oven. Some were put on my plate of roasted root vegetables and I of course I ate everything but the beets. Then I thought I should at least try them...heard my Moms voice...so I did. Was surprised I really liked them! So, the recipe will be posted on my kitchen site tomorrow. It will be added to my Thanksgiving menu also.
After the class we walked around the Mall. What a great place, our first time there. The whole family loved it. Not too long of a drive, only about 30minutes. I can remember driving an hour to go to a mall, when we lived in the country. I have another class coming up and hubby said he wants to go along. I think only to shop while I'm in class,hehe.

Your Links are below:
1.For info on Christopher Columbus
2.My 101010 post =ten-perfect memories

Now why not visit Writer Cramps to post and see other Weekend Alibi's. there you will see the Miss Maple Meme. Gattina is the host.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sunday's Ten Perfect Photos

So today is 10/10/10. I thought I would post some Perfect photos. You know the kind, the ones you love to look at all the time. Even have a desire for a wall hanging done up or just a photo on a desk. I love to think some would even win a ribbon.First one up...

The Horseshoe Falls.

Critter at Niagara Falls,New York

Lilly Perfect at Longwood Gardens

Butterfly in Lilacs
In My Garden

Lyd at Disney Village, Orlando, Florida...

The Perfect Chocolate Place...
Disney Village,Florida,
with the perfect mural of Venice.

A perfect 10th wedding anniversary trip.
Staying cool at the Maze in Pennsylvania.
My two perfect people, Hubby and daughter

Finding Nemo at the Aquarium

Finally Ten Perfect Jelly's...
from the Jellies Invasions, Baltimore

There you have it my ten Perfect Photo Post. All with my Perfect family and memories. This day is so special I just couldn't miss out on it. With most folks thinking that 10 is the perfect number , this has to be a great day.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Aloha Friday-Fundraisers Fallen In Place

Now that Fall has arrived it seems that all the Fundraisers have begun. Oh let's see..... We have, Trips, Schools items like Pies, food/meals, Dinning out, raffles, wrapping paper, Schools teams, the band, the chorus, the football team, the girl scouts, boy scouts, the Police, the firemen, the magazines and I could just go on and on. How does one control the out flow of money. A dollar here and five dollar there and then they want 25 dollars for some other fundraiser.
So Today's Question is:

Do you give to Fundraisers and Do you Limit which ones or do you have a certain total amount you will give?
Oh okay why not tell us which ones you give to, we know they reel you in?

I usually will give to only a couple but this year I have been bombarded with them! Well I give to School bands and orchestra. Okay the Scouts reel me in also, for you see those cookies and popcorn are too temping.

Kailani over at An island life has many more links to questions. Want to join in visit An Island Life. After all it's Friday and we all know what that means.... Getting ready for the weekend fun.

Do you have a Friday post? You can link up here, and I'll visit you. The only rule is just to have a current Friday post. I love to visit new sites and build great Blogger friendships. Come on link up and join in the Friday fun!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

WW-The Old Among Us

Interested in wordless Wednesday?
Check out this Link to sign up.

When some of us blogger need to just add words on Wednesday's post. Surf over to Parenting by Dummies to join the Wordful Wednesday group.

Ever think of the Old Towns, like Philadelphia,Salem, CrippleCreek and Williamburg. Do the spirits roam their streets? We have a town in our area the dates back to the 1700's, Ellicott City. They have Ghost tours and tell of the time when ghost and all short of things went on. Coming up on All Hollows Eves, I thought a trip through some of the old towns was in store. Today we start with...

Ellicott City.

This is a shot of part of the street.

An old lodge
A house at dusk
The light in a store front

Now I found this in an old Antique store window....

Link up after comment so I can visit you.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Monday's News-A Fest, A meal and A House

Saturday we went to the Oktoberfest in Germantown. It was the first time we had gone to their fest. This was their 28th year. The music was great, We listen to a German Band and Watched the German dancers, all in Bavarian Lederhosen and Dirdl dress. I heard this was a year of record sales for Bavarian clothing. I guess all those folks going to Oktoberfest needed to buy clothing this year. I will have to get mine out for the Schools Oktoberfest come up. The food was not that great there, not as it was at last weeks Fest. I did get some....
GermanBockworst and...
yes with a German type mustard

They had some Venders there as well. I did not really spend much time looking around. We were there for the Beirgarten Tent and Music.
Oh I really enjoyed this.

Still craving some German food, Hubby and I decided to go to a German Restaurant.There is an old city in our area call Ellicott City. It dates back to the 1700's, there are still building from that time area and up to the early 1900's. We love going to the old town. Haven't been there in some time.
The Ellicott Mills Brewing Company is the restaurant we went to.

They had a special on their menu,
Wild Boar Stew.

I have not had that since we visited the Blackforest in Germany. It was so good! I brought some home for later today. Oh that hit the spot and my Germanfest day was complete. A great Fall Dish to have. I will have to go back to get that recipe. Now just where to get the Wild Boar?

Sunday We went to church and got to see the family. I will be making their costumes for the fall parties coming up. Critter requested Batman, Alex wants RobinHood and Lyd is a Smurfett. This week will be a busy sewing week. Parties start the end of the month.
There is a new facility called...
Jill's House.

They just finished the building and are getting ready to open. So we all went to the Open house. Oh it was just beautiful. Jill's House is a respite for the special needs child. They will provide over night care so that the family can have a break for the everyday care of their love one. It is the first of it's kind in this area. I will put a link below for you.
Oh yes I did get a Lollipop at the fest! My Weekend song remind me when I saw it.

Join the Miss Marple meme and share your weekend with us.You never know when you'll need that alibi.

Now what did you do this weekend? Leave it here in my comments, I would love to read how your weekend went.

Your Links:
For German clothing visit ErnstLicht
for Wild Boar Stew visit. Ellicott Mills Brewing Co.
More info on Jill's House in Vienna, Maryland