As I mention vaction time has begun. In April we will be going to Virginia Beach. In May it's off to Florida. June to Pennsylvania for a class reunion. I really want to go back to Canada. So I think I will try to fit that in with my daughter some how. The Class reunion is really for Hubby. There will be a family one attached. However some down time also. July is still up in the air. Looking into Georgia, Tennessee area. August will be a surprise. I am working on it now, No Lyd I will not reveal! I love surprises.
Now to some explanations on my slow down in blogging. My daughter has been on me because I have not been blogging that much. I felt I needed a break. Sometimes it can get overwhelming trying to find things to write. Although live is still going on. I have been down a little and not feeling well. As must of you know trying to get back in the swing of things after a sickness can be hard. So Now I will be back with my Monday News and Wednesday photos and Friday questions. I took about a month off.
Now that the trips are starting, I will be active again. For all those who want to advertise on my blogs welcome back. I use Adgitize and CMF as well as Entrecard.
Looking forward to some new info on Vacations sites and our spring/ summer fun. Fresh new material to share. Well, have to go now and get ready for this Boston trip.