101 Auntie E Street, Bloggersville, USA

101 Auntie E Street, Bloggersville, USA
Welcome, Back door is open, come in a sit Aspell..Let's talk...

Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday News- Catch-up time.....

I'm back... I took a few Monday's off. Even though we went out of town for long weekends it seems like I was still in the vacation mode. So ,I will try to recap my three weekends for you. Be sure to check out the Wednesday's photos for the last two weeks. Links on the side bar (WW....).

Let's see the weekend of the 15th. We went to the mountains to enjoy a day of tubing. Hubby made the overnight reservations. I will tell you my daughter called it sometime like...A night in terror-ville. It was a roadside Inn, one right out of the 50's and 60's. She has never stayed at a place like this. She was convinced that the owner was a murderer. We had to tell her he was not. However it was a strange night stay on the icy lake inn for us. Oh I slept well but, for the other two they were up all night. Hearing things going on on the lake and outside the door.
We had no internet so at one point we drove around looking for free WiFi. Now this was really funny. Three folks all with Laptop, in a car trying to hook up to the internet. Once we found a link, we sat in the car on a frigid night and try to surf the net. However the link was weak. Drove back to the Inn and there was no place to park. We had to park the car in a spot at the far end of the building that we made. The next morning all the cars were covered with ice! I walked to the gas station to get coffee. Then warmed the car up to move it. Folks had parked all kinds of ways, that caused some folks to be blocked in. No one was at the front desk part of the inn. It was locked with a sign to call a couple folks if there is a problem. No doorbell to ring and no one in sight! Now that was a little uneasy for me. The decision was made not to let hubby make the overnight plans again.

On the 21st we went back to the mountains for 4 days of winter fun. I made the accommodations reservations. We rented a three bedroom house. It was very nice.
We spent the days, tubing snowmobiling, skiing,ice skating and snowshoeing. The weather was the coldest on record. It dipped down into the single digits, with the wind taking it into the negative numbers. But we were warm in the house. It did put a damper on the amount of time in the outdoors. We returned home on Monday all tired when a storm hit us on Tuesday Night. School was out for two days. This totally messes up my weeks routine.
(some photos of this weekend)

My hubby

The girls

the crazy group

Now on to this past weekend. It was a laid back one. It snowed on and off, weather still cold. Went to church on Sunday. Family was not there due to some prearranged activities. we went grocery shopping later on in the day.

Well on a serious note. I am suppose to be on a trip to Egypt. Which left January the 23 to return February the 4. I didn't get to go for various reason. Now with all the turmoil there the touring group had to flee Egypt and now are trying to get back home. We were told Sunday that everyone is okay and are now out of Egypt and safely in another country. Will be making their way back this week. I guess it was a godsend that I didn't go. Israel is on the list for this spring, still not sure about that at the present time.

So how was your weekend?

Be sure to visit Writer Cramps to see more Monday's Miss Marple. You never know when you need that Alibi!
I add this post to Blue Monday this week, you can see more Blue Photos at Smiling Sally

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

WW- Winter Vacation #2

Interested in wordless Wednesday?
Check out this Link to sign up.

When some of us blogger need to just add words on Wednesday's post. Surf over to Parenting by Dummies to join the Wordful Wednesday group.

need to talk.....Join in the Wednesday fun...
at SuperMom .

So , we had a few days off school, it was end of term grading. the decision to take off to the Mountains for some winter fun was made. Oh you know it would have to be the Coldest days in the season thus far. The temps were in the single digits and the chill factor made it below Zero. We arrived Friday around 6pm. Still time to go out, however we decided not to because of the temps. Tubing would be very cold on the skin.

Early Saturday morning we had a snowmobile appointment. Then in the afternoon we hit the tubing slopes and Some ice skating. Later we went back for more tubing. Here are some photos.

More on the adventure tomorrow.
I will just say that this was a first time for me!

More on this later,
let's just say...late 50's= ?broken hip...

Oh--the tubing....
let's just remember last time..
well this time it was a stowed finger and a fast ride.

At the end of the day I sat by the fire.
Here is a little warmth for you....

Of course it was to get those toes warmed up.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Friday's Question- Favorite thing?

Well, the Snow Storm is hitting and the mountains are prime. Nice powder and fresh snow falling! I love the mountains this time of year. It's a great time to go for winter sports. My favorite thing to do is snowshoeing. This year For the first time I will be Snowmobiling . Yeah that right My family talked me into it. Last year my daughter and hubby got injured when they took a flip. Yes I will be careful. Not like hubby the daredevil !

So that got me thinking... What is your favorite Winter Sport either to do or just watch someone else do?

Part of Aloha Friday Meme.
To see other questions follow this LINK to An Island Life.
There would will see other entries.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

WW- Winter Fun-Tubing

Interested in wordless Wednesday?
Check out this Link to sign up.

When some of us blogger need to just add words on Wednesday's post. Surf over to Parenting by Dummies to join the Wordful Wednesday group.

need to talk.....Join in the Wednesday fun...
at SuperMom .

The thing I like about winter are the sports. We went Tubing at Wisp. Wisp is a all season Resort area in Maryland. If I want snow, it is always snowing in the winter in the mountains. This is one of our favorite places to go. We are considering buying a vacation home there. It would really be a smart move for us. So today for Wordless, well almost Wordless Wednesday, I share the tubing family fun.

This is Wisp tubing tent
The way up the mountain
Here they come

Have a Wednesday Post? Link it here. I love visiting current blogs. Happy Wednesday folks, Leave you two cents before you leave my Home. Thanks for visiting.

1. Amber @ The Mom Road  3. Cakeblast (w. linky)  5. CoffeeJitters  
2. Angelica's Awesome Adventures {Linky}  4. Russ w/linky  6. GrammyMsTails *linky  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Iceland Anyone? Woke Up to an Icy Day.

Our Tuesday has Begun with an Icy Sheen. The roads looks like a frozen stream. School are closed, No traffic in sight and the feeling of winter has filled our minds. Have often wondered how it would be to living in Iceland, or doing some Ice fishing. Have you gone ice fishing?

Last year we had a touch of the North pole. Snow three to four feet deep and no Road insight.
This is a photo of that time. Yes there is a road beyond that mailbox, only no one could drive on it. It was a week before we could get out!
Now this is how it looks this morning. I waited until the sun came up a little.

So this is a good day For French Toast, Hot cocoa and sitting by the Fire playing Cityville.

French toast.
(to view the recipe click on the name above.)

After all in Bloggersville (the name of my town) I am Mayor. There is rent to collect, crops to plant and harvest, Ships to send out and unload, buildings to finish and new one to plan for, land to purchase, meeting in other towns and stores to stock. Oh this land of cyberspace has created a great Game! But of course I do have housework to do and real bills to pay and people to talk to. As well as meal to plan. So as you can see I will be quite busy on this Icy/cold day.
What are your plans for today?

This is part of Ruby Tuesday. It is a meme that one with Ruby photos can be link to.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Friday's Question.....Got plans?

Here it is Friday again. I use to love the phrase T.G.I.F. (thank God its Friday). Back in the day when we worked Monday through Fridays and had the weekends off. In todays world, it seems that there are less folks with the Weekends off. With the new Technology, computers and cell phones, one is one duty 24/7! Even the folks who work Monday through Fridays are on call, linked to their computers and phones. Getting e-mails and text's all weekend long. Just not going physically into a place of work does not mean you mind is not at work. We use to call these folks Workaholics. Now it just keeping my job! since business are weeding out and cutting back. More time is required of the employee. with the underline tone of "ARE YOU LOYAL TO THE JOB!". You better be loyal nowadays, to avoid layoff or being let go.
So I was wondering.... How many of y'all have that Monday through Friday job with your weekend Untethered to your job?
If you do, tell me what's this weekend plans looks like?
If not well, just tell me what you would love to be doing this weekend?

Oh yes this is like research, I find the phrase to be obsolete, perhaps we should just delete it from of vocabulary. Because who can be thankful for being tethered to a Job 24/7. One need to take vacation and ban the computer and phone to be Free at last for the Job!

For more Friday Questions try visiting Aloha Friday at "An Island Life"

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

WW- Memories of 2010

Interested in wordless Wednesday?
Check out this Link to sign up.

When some of us blogger need to just add words on Wednesday's post. Surf over to Parenting by Dummies to join the Wordful Wednesday group.

need to talk.....Join in the Wednesday fun...
at SuperMom .

Looking back I captured a few enjoyable memories of last year.
Here are a Few highlights.







You may link your wednesday post here. Happy Wednesday

1. Why I Do What I Do @ 400 Calorie Dinners  3. Secret Mom Thoughts  5. Angelica's Awesome Adventures {Linky}  
2. EdT. *linky*  4. Amber @ The Mom Road  6. Ask Ms Recipe-Linky  

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Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday's News- Not Yet!

My weekend was a trying one at best. First off, I gave hubby a Remote Starter for his older vehicle. It is an Pontiac Aztec, Noted for be the ugliest car of this Century. However we like it, Four wheel drive and plenty of road to load furniture and items let Wood Pellets for the stove. We love it in the winter and take it to the mountains with us. Known as a sports Vehicle, due to it ability to be used as a camper. We had a Tent for it. It hooks on the back, no more sleeping on the ground. There are cup holder in the tail gate. Makes it great for Tail gating at Football games. Well, back to the gift....We drop the car off at the mechanic's on Monday and it is still there! Hubby has had to use my car, all week. Hoping to get it back today.

The Aztec.
(Photo from last years storm.)

So,I have been able to get a lot done in the house. Taking down some decorations. I mentioned taking the the tree. When hubby said not the one in the family room! He feels it is so cozy down there and feels like he is at the Winter Lodge.

Our Cozy Family Room

I have been playing this FaceBook Game called CityVille. I got hubby starting playing and now we sit in the cozy warm Solarium with Laptops and play together. I have added some new neighbors for all over the world. it has been great for my German, making me have to think, read and type German. My city is ready to become a State Capital. Oh yes the name of the city is Bloggersville. Given for my blog here, as that is the address I gave it. Oh my house is on the other side of the tracks and is a mansion. I always wanted to live in one,hehehe. Only in Cyberspace can I do that! This game is really a lot of fun.

My city-Bloggersville-
Current screen shot

Started reading "Decision Points" by President George W Bush. A very enjoyable book. I have a kindle, it was a gifts from Santa. Never thought I would like one, but I am enjoying the device and the reading on it. Learned about checking out e-books from the library over the weekend I will have to check on doing that. Not sure if it is kindle friendly. I will write more about the on my Reviews blog.

Saturday we went grocery shopping at the commissary. it wasn't crowded and they are still working on the building. Things were hard to find. I haven't been going due to the ongoing work,too frustrating for me.

Sunday we went to church, saw the Kids and Family. I really enjoy see them weekly. Trying to make a decision on attending a class. Our daughter is working with the children at the 9am time and we attend the 10:45 service together. Sitting with Michael and some times Alex. I enjoy that very much. Family is so great. I wish my Brother would be more outgoing with me. I miss those family get together's. haven't had one for a while. I have three Brothers, they are Scattered all over the eastern U.S.A..

Today we are getting ready for what the newscasters say will be a snow storm with freezing temps. Need to make sure the out side water pipes are protected and drained. Also need to put the freezer heater out in the garage. One year our pipes froze out there. Since then I have wrapped them and put the auto heater out there. so we are getting prepared for this storm. so far they have been so wrong about the weather in our town. But it is better to be prepared than not.

So how was your weekend?

Be sure to visit Writer Cramps to see more Monday's Miss Marple. You never know when you need that Alibi!
I add this post to Blue Monday this week, you can see more Blue Photos at Smiling Sally

Friday, January 7, 2011

Friday's Question- Winter , Summer or Spring

Woke up this morning to a dusting of Snow. Now I really mean a dusting, every thing looks like this. The temp outside is 23F, so I guess that means icy roads. Cause schools called for a two hour delay.
Our winter is starting out Cold with very little snow. The folks South and North of us are getting hit hard. Now I love the Snow and like winter to have it. Looks like we will not be getting much this year. So can I ask a favor of you?

Tell me How is your weather today? I know some of you are in Summer are maybe even Spring like rains. So tell me "What's the Weather in Your Neck of the world?" Oh yes and please say what area you live. I just might want to take a trip there this winter!

If you have a Friday post of any kind please link up here after answering my Question, thank you. I love to read current blogs and become a follow on active blogs.

1. Pam  3. 400 Calorie Dinners  5. Mrs. Marine & the Tiny Troops (w/linky)  
2. jumpin beans  4. Annie (Lady M) x  6. Laufa @Morgan Madness  

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For more Friday Questions try visiting Aloha Friday at "An Island Life"