101 Auntie E Street, Bloggersville, USA

101 Auntie E Street, Bloggersville, USA
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Friday, August 13, 2010

Aloha Friday-And We're off

So today is the day we leave for a Northern Sun Loop vacation. I know we waited til August this time for a major one. We will be near Erie tonight for the family reunion tomorrow. We started them last year. Hubby's families kids are growing up and in this world of family spread out across the country it is easy to loose track of folks. I should try to do this for my Family. I haven't seen some of them for a couple years. However my family is relatively small. Now hubby comes from a large family and each child had on average 3 children. All those children are grown and some have kids and their kids have kids, making for a large family reunion.
You can see a photo of Hubby's Family Here.
Now my question to you;
  • Do you have family reunions and how often are they?
  • Now if you don't Would you consider hosting the first one?

to view more Aloha Friday questions visit An Island Life


  1. The last family reunion we had was 4 years ago. Where has the time gone?! We don't really have a set time we have them. I do know alot of people who do have them once a year!

  2. The last time we had a family reunion I was young. The family has gotten so large that if everyone came there would be several hundred people, this is why it kind of stoped so long ago. It would be hard to start one since I love far off from everyone else.

  3. We dont have them but it would be pretty neat to host one =)

  4. I have a HUGE family-mom and dad's side. Both sides of my family have family reunions 2 times a year....

  5. Most of my family (not including myself) still live in a similar area, so a reunion doesn't really make sense when so many people see each other frequently anyway. If that weren't the case - I would definitely host one!

  6. We have never had one. I would love to go to one, but probably wouldn't organize one.

  7. We don't....though Christmas with my husband's family is pretty close.

  8. Unfortunately, my last two reunions were because someone died.

    Have a great Friday!

  9. We did when I was growing up, but now everyone has lost touch. My Family that I actually know is pretty small, so it would be nice to reconnect with the extended family again!

  10. my family does one every other year...
    i do not go every year though... probably will now that i have a family

  11. I have never had a family reunion. I don't want one right now. I would not host one.


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