Great weekend, the weather was beautiful. Our temps where in the mid seventies.Saturday we got out in the yard and my daughter went to a pond for a walk. She comeback with a sunburn, didn't think she should of put sunscreen on. Lyd got some great photos, already posted on her Saturdays' post. Check
her blog out.
Sunday Our Minister had a great sermon on the soil, Which soil are you? We always enjoy his sermons, the message is easy to understand. The congregation ask him a question each Sunday, midway through the sermon...SO WHAT!...he then tells us how it relates to us in this Century. The sermon,
"The Crowd by the sea of Galilee", check it out... It will change your thought pattern.
We got to see Critter and Alex, I love seeing them, it has been a couple weeks. We have all had this virus going around. Of Course like any great Auntie I handed out M&Ms. I had ordered some for Lyd Sweet sixteenth birthday party. They had her face on them and the two dates, BD and AD. Along with happy birthday and Sweet 16. I ordered them on M&M.com, was very please with the service and how they arrived.
Talked to Dad on Sunday for over 2 hours! I just love talking to him. We are planning to be together for Easter this year. We talked about everything, religion, family, politics, cooking and vacations. I really miss him being closer.
Got to speak with my S-I-L Bonnie for a short time. they are not too far away, live in West Virginia. She informed me I have a farm in Farmville! Well that farm must be petty run down, I haven't even attended to it. Didn't even know I had one, talking about time to work on it, where in the day will I be able to do that? I have a lot of facebook friends who play Farmville. Must have checked it out and accidentally Bought the farm. So "FARM FOR SALE" sign will have to be going up.