preparing the yard for Irene.

We had heavy downpour and winds up to 60 gust. It managed to topple trees and flood areas. We had electricity outages all across our area. We had to run the generator for a few hours. We were lucky some are still out.
Schools were to start up on Monday. However, they were push back to open today. We still have 27 school without power. The ones with power opened today. Our daughter started her 12 year. I can not believe she is going to graduate and be off to college already! It seems to have flown by for us parents.
We got out and about yesterday and took a photo of one of the trees that fell on a house up the road.
Photos of the house

Look at the root size of the tree.....

Watch the tree removers work on the remover. It was a sight to see. the tree fell on a bedroom in the house. The owner seem to only suffered some bruises.
On Monday I returned some furniture back to its areas. Cleaned up the pool liner from debris, pickup some limps and check out the outside of the house for damage.
You see we had an earthquake the days before the Hurricane, so the winds could of cause some small unseen damage to increase. Noticed that a support block to our front porch was lifted and the heat pump had shifted some. I will have to call the service to check it out. Our solar panels did well. Was able to withstand the winds.
Well that's the rap up of our Long weekend. How did yours go?