So here it is: while in Las Vegas we were walking to the Mirage, when behold there he was Jack Sparrow or was it John Depp? Anyway he was standing right out side Treasure Island, and why wouldn't he be, he's always looking for the treasure. I quickly got out my camera, it was around my neck, and snapped the shot. As I posted in a "
GoWestMyFriend" Post I wanted to see Him on this trip. However I thought it would be at Universal Studios. Who knew he would be waiting for me in Vegas. Well that's the story. Now it is time for:

Today's Topic is: Worst Dating Disasters
I have always been attracted to characters like Jack Sparrow. I do not know why, must be some gene/hormone in me. So as a teen I dated many Characters. Back then (1960's) we had The Hells Angels and the Hackers, they were rivals. They seems to always hang out at my high school. There was one hacker named Pilgrim, I know a popular name in the biker world. He seem to like me, so his group followed me home. I guess he called this a Date, I called it a Nightmare!
My Parents were not home, My girlfriend and I were hanging out of my room window. Oh yes that's right out of the window. Isn't that what girls did? So, Pilgrim and his Boys were on their bikes and stopped at the house. Asked if we could come with them. I wasn't really keen to the idea, but thought if I ask my older brother, He would differently said NO, once he saw his looks! Somewhat like Jack Sparrow. But to my surprise my Brother said that would be okay!! So off we went.
Once at their House the drinks came out and guys started saying things like...No going back now, come on you belong to us now, we'll have a great time.. and so on. I really wanted to, at the point, go home, just a few block away was my home. They all had Guns and riffles, so the plan to walk out was out the window. isn't that what got me into this mess?
Unbeknown to me my middle brother, the one with the sense, had followed on his bike and left to call my Mom. So not too long there was my Mom banging at the Front door. Telling the guys to open it up. She knew Pilgrims name and call it out. The other guys where concerned about that fact. So, my girlfriend and I left with my Mother. Walked Home and never was approached by Pilgrim and his group again. I believe my Mom threatened them.
Yes is was embarrassing to be rescued by Mom. The Neighbors were shock that she would do that. However we all survived and I was grounded for a long time, along with my girlfriend. We never talked about it again for some years. I think it came up sometime in 1990 and we all laughed about it.
My dating Days are over, married now. Not to a Jack Sparrow, boy My Mom was glad about that! My advice to other girls today JUST SAY NO! Stand up for yourself, and don't hang out windows.
Over at
Lola's Diner Every Thursday there is a topic spoke of in the Diner, Grab a cup of Joe and a Seat and come on in..Join the conversation. Link up at Lola's Diner. This is a fun Meme I enjoy remembering the past and it keeps my mind Young!!