Auntie E- Army Days |
101 Auntie E Street, Bloggersville, USA
101 Auntie E Street, Bloggersville, USA
Welcome, Back door is open, come in a sit Aspell..Let's talk...
Welcome, Back door is open, come in a sit Aspell..Let's talk...
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Wednesday News. Learning Curve
It has been a interesting week. Even with my Nursing knowledge there is a lot that I continue to learn. When My Mom had cancer I learn all about the kind she had and the treatments. What can be done in the new technology age. Unfortunately she was in Stage 4 and not much could be done for her.
My Father stated having noticeable TIA ( Transit Ischemic Attacks) In 2013. At first we thought they were just Senior moments caused by Dementia. However we learned in 2015 they were TIA's. The MRI's showed the previous damages. Now we know. I remember back in the 1990's. Mom had told me something was wrong with Dad. He was having some Memory problems. Back then they did not know what it was. The problem with TIA's is that they do not show up in the Brain as Damages for years. One can go a long time not having one and then have an episode. The episode only last last than 15 minutes and if no one is close to them you would never know. It could be a sudden mixing up words , Blurriness in one or both eyes, and twitching of the eyes or mouth, or a numbness in a hand or foot. Even going to the hospital ER it is hard to determine what happened until a acute Ischemic stroke happens. Only then can the pieces be put together.
The Neurologist explained the cycle. Telling us what happened and that there really isn't much one can do. Diet and Exercise can help with the blood flow. My fathers mobility was not affected. He still can get around well. Since he has be with us his Blood sugar and Chems are all normal. No more Swings. My Mother told me I need to take care of Dad and that he would need a lot of help. I believed she knew within her heart.
These TIA's seem to running in the family. Can start as early as age 45. My Dad's Biological father had them and died at the age of 49 of a Stroke. Granny told me a long time ago, that He was in the hospital a lot in the final 2 years. It must run in the men. Cause Dads Half Brothers had problem also. some became hermits. Due to the uneasiness to be around people. Dad has some of that. Although He enjoys being around us and some family members. It seem like the TIA are mostly in the Brocia and Wernicke's part ( Left side Anterior and Posterior part of brain,) These normal cause problems with Speaking, Finding and Forming Words.
Once a Ischemic Stroke happens, the brain can have an Cerebral Infarction in the region. These are Blood Clots that move from the original stroke. Not a New Stroke. They are in the same family as TIA's just a different cause. TIA's can and do lead to a major stroke down the line. As to when that happens is unknown.It can happened shortly after a TIA or months even years later. But if you think you are having them go to the ER. Sometime you can have two the more in the same day and if you are somewhere they can monitor you there is help.
Education is the key to understanding the body. With today's Technology and Internet help one to live longer and prevent some things. Having knowledge reduces the Stress. This is a good thing.
My Dad has Aphasia and bi-product of the Brocia Stroke and TIA's. He is making a good recovery and retraining the brain to store things in a new location. Even though he has had to relearn some things. He still does not like talking on the phone and uncomfortable around large crowds. I do not know if that will ever go away, since he has been that way for a long time. He will now be living with my family and that is okay. My Mom knew this and prepared me for it. For that I am thankful.
About 8 years ago my Mother told me I would have to take care of Dad. She stated that He has some problems and will need help. At the time I didn't understand this. However now I can see it. The Doctor told me that Dad have been having Problems for a long time and he believes he has been having these Brain attacks for sometime. I think my Mother saw the changes in him. She then made sure I would take care of him after her passing.
I spoke with my Dad some seven years ago about this. He said he has always been a recluse. Most of his life he depended on Mom to help him out of it. She would plan the activities, encourage him to do things and he loved doing it for her. I am now that person to keep him from the tendency of falling into that mode again. I try to get family members to visit and take him to as many family gatherings as a can. We take him out to visit folks and to activities going on. I try to take as much stress from him by managing his daily activities. He really like this. We talk about bills and other things that need to be done. He is still in charge of things, I just do as he wishes. Keeping his mind active is a must.
With the Aphasia one needs to keep the mind active. Also the folks around him need to give him time to responded to questions. If he wants to talk let him find his own words. Sometime there are pauses cause he is looking for the word to express his thought. The learning curve for us is also challenging. We must learn to be patient and listen closely. We can sometimes help him find the word if we are listening and following he thoughts. I have learned to do this well. Never giving him the word but repeating what he has already said. This seem to help him retain the thought and find the path to the word. Even going through the path in a back door. The brain can find the words. We had been working on his address which he has had trouble remembering, and the names of his children. However he is doing better now and retaining the information for a longer time. Even through his address will change we will continue to work on that part of the memory. Because the address seems associated with a lost, It is harder for him a want to retain it. The home in his words was my Mothers house. That is how he perceives it. Most of the things in the home was hers and still is. He calls it "The Event" and wishes not to remember it. So I am sure things that are associated with her are not on his important to remember list. We do talk about the positive things about mom. This way he can associate things with her that are pleasant.
My Husband and I take care of the House. Maintenance and taxes. We have tried to get dad to help but he wants nothing to do with it. He just wants to give the stuff away. So we are in the process of doing that. The Family will take what they want and we will donate the rest. It is hard to see things go, but it is a process and doing it now is better. I think it will help Dad Move on and let go of somethings. All of this has made me think it is time to do the same at my home. We hang on to many things that will be meaningless later in life. The old saying... You can't take it with you.... is so true and may I add.... No one wants it after you are gone. It only causes division and pain. We went through this with my Husband Parents and there home. So I do have some experience on this.
In conclusion, We have learned a lot in the past twelve years. I wish to pass it on to you. If you are going through any things like this, I hope this help you maintain you sanity. Not there yet. Remember this post to help you when you become a caretaker of your love one. You would be surprised how many of us are out there.
My Father stated having noticeable TIA ( Transit Ischemic Attacks) In 2013. At first we thought they were just Senior moments caused by Dementia. However we learned in 2015 they were TIA's. The MRI's showed the previous damages. Now we know. I remember back in the 1990's. Mom had told me something was wrong with Dad. He was having some Memory problems. Back then they did not know what it was. The problem with TIA's is that they do not show up in the Brain as Damages for years. One can go a long time not having one and then have an episode. The episode only last last than 15 minutes and if no one is close to them you would never know. It could be a sudden mixing up words , Blurriness in one or both eyes, and twitching of the eyes or mouth, or a numbness in a hand or foot. Even going to the hospital ER it is hard to determine what happened until a acute Ischemic stroke happens. Only then can the pieces be put together.
The Neurologist explained the cycle. Telling us what happened and that there really isn't much one can do. Diet and Exercise can help with the blood flow. My fathers mobility was not affected. He still can get around well. Since he has be with us his Blood sugar and Chems are all normal. No more Swings. My Mother told me I need to take care of Dad and that he would need a lot of help. I believed she knew within her heart.
These TIA's seem to running in the family. Can start as early as age 45. My Dad's Biological father had them and died at the age of 49 of a Stroke. Granny told me a long time ago, that He was in the hospital a lot in the final 2 years. It must run in the men. Cause Dads Half Brothers had problem also. some became hermits. Due to the uneasiness to be around people. Dad has some of that. Although He enjoys being around us and some family members. It seem like the TIA are mostly in the Brocia and Wernicke's part ( Left side Anterior and Posterior part of brain,) These normal cause problems with Speaking, Finding and Forming Words.
Once a Ischemic Stroke happens, the brain can have an Cerebral Infarction in the region. These are Blood Clots that move from the original stroke. Not a New Stroke. They are in the same family as TIA's just a different cause. TIA's can and do lead to a major stroke down the line. As to when that happens is unknown.It can happened shortly after a TIA or months even years later. But if you think you are having them go to the ER. Sometime you can have two the more in the same day and if you are somewhere they can monitor you there is help.
Education is the key to understanding the body. With today's Technology and Internet help one to live longer and prevent some things. Having knowledge reduces the Stress. This is a good thing.
My Dad has Aphasia and bi-product of the Brocia Stroke and TIA's. He is making a good recovery and retraining the brain to store things in a new location. Even though he has had to relearn some things. He still does not like talking on the phone and uncomfortable around large crowds. I do not know if that will ever go away, since he has been that way for a long time. He will now be living with my family and that is okay. My Mom knew this and prepared me for it. For that I am thankful.
About 8 years ago my Mother told me I would have to take care of Dad. She stated that He has some problems and will need help. At the time I didn't understand this. However now I can see it. The Doctor told me that Dad have been having Problems for a long time and he believes he has been having these Brain attacks for sometime. I think my Mother saw the changes in him. She then made sure I would take care of him after her passing.
I spoke with my Dad some seven years ago about this. He said he has always been a recluse. Most of his life he depended on Mom to help him out of it. She would plan the activities, encourage him to do things and he loved doing it for her. I am now that person to keep him from the tendency of falling into that mode again. I try to get family members to visit and take him to as many family gatherings as a can. We take him out to visit folks and to activities going on. I try to take as much stress from him by managing his daily activities. He really like this. We talk about bills and other things that need to be done. He is still in charge of things, I just do as he wishes. Keeping his mind active is a must.
With the Aphasia one needs to keep the mind active. Also the folks around him need to give him time to responded to questions. If he wants to talk let him find his own words. Sometime there are pauses cause he is looking for the word to express his thought. The learning curve for us is also challenging. We must learn to be patient and listen closely. We can sometimes help him find the word if we are listening and following he thoughts. I have learned to do this well. Never giving him the word but repeating what he has already said. This seem to help him retain the thought and find the path to the word. Even going through the path in a back door. The brain can find the words. We had been working on his address which he has had trouble remembering, and the names of his children. However he is doing better now and retaining the information for a longer time. Even through his address will change we will continue to work on that part of the memory. Because the address seems associated with a lost, It is harder for him a want to retain it. The home in his words was my Mothers house. That is how he perceives it. Most of the things in the home was hers and still is. He calls it "The Event" and wishes not to remember it. So I am sure things that are associated with her are not on his important to remember list. We do talk about the positive things about mom. This way he can associate things with her that are pleasant.
My Husband and I take care of the House. Maintenance and taxes. We have tried to get dad to help but he wants nothing to do with it. He just wants to give the stuff away. So we are in the process of doing that. The Family will take what they want and we will donate the rest. It is hard to see things go, but it is a process and doing it now is better. I think it will help Dad Move on and let go of somethings. All of this has made me think it is time to do the same at my home. We hang on to many things that will be meaningless later in life. The old saying... You can't take it with you.... is so true and may I add.... No one wants it after you are gone. It only causes division and pain. We went through this with my Husband Parents and there home. So I do have some experience on this.
In conclusion, We have learned a lot in the past twelve years. I wish to pass it on to you. If you are going through any things like this, I hope this help you maintain you sanity. Not there yet. Remember this post to help you when you become a caretaker of your love one. You would be surprised how many of us are out there.
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Tuesday Tell All.--- October Time at the home.
October has always been our German Month. We eat German food and sometime listen to German music. I pull out of my German theme items and relive those German Days.
The one time in my life that a really enjoy living somewhere was Germany. There was just something about the people and area. So Many things to do and the food and Drinks where great. We lived near Stuttgart for about 4 years. We traveled all around Germany and the surrounded countries. Will have to admit my Heavy driving foot fit in well there. Since there were no speed limits on the autobahn. City driving was not bad either. Given the fact that I was use to city driving. We enjoyed the train and took a few to festivals and other events.
The black forest was one of the favorite places we visited frequently. The southern cuisine was so tasty. That is the food I enjoy cooking. The other day we went to a Place in Old Ellicott City that Serves Wild Boar Stew. ( The Ellicott Mills Brewing Company )They only have it in September October frame. Most due to the season they can get the Wild Boar Meat. Every year I try to go there for the treat. This year it was just as good. Wild Boar taste like a mild Beef. Even though it is not beef.
I have several German recipes on my Kitchen site if you want to make something German.
While in Germany I took cooking classes and learn to make several German dishes. Over the years I have created some dishes using the German spices and techniques. Germany cooking is not hard to achieve. Follow this link " Oktober Fest" to some great recipes.
When we returned to the States, Visiting the German influence town and city were a must. Never knew there were so many. Helen Georgia is a wonderful place. The village is built to resemble Bavaria Germany. That was the first place we visited Loved going there.
Went to as many German fest activities as we could. Enjoyed everyone of them. Look around to see some in your area. In Baltimore area we have some that are all year round. These are great places to visit.
In closing one thing I well have to say is, I have no German blood in me however, I really have the German feeling. It has never left me in the twenty some years since I had a taste of Germany.
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Tuesday's News: Life in the Fast Lane

Ever think of how fast life speeds by? It seems to goes by faster than we think. I remember when our Daughter was small and all the family got along. Now the daughter is finishing college, Hubby is approaching retirement age and I am.... well still feeling young. Have been going through stuff , downsizing a bit. Most of the things have remind me of the earlier years. When Hubby was in stationed in Korea, the first day we held a baby girl in our arms. Even as far back as when the nieces and nephews were babies. All those memories such great ones.
Now the Nieces and nephew have Babies of theirs own. Hubby is retired from the Service and Daughter is almost on her own, starting her own career. My Mother is in Heaven and my Dad is living with us. Life has moved into a different century.
I am more aware of How things where and how they have come full circle. We think that our folks where just old fashion and didn't understand us in our earlier years. Now we sit back and realize we are them now!. I laugh at that now, seeing the humour in life.
Even in the TV shows now. We find ourselves liking the old things as well as some of the new tech stuff. However thinking back I always like the futuristic things, that would make me more interesting in the Tech stuff in this century. Still waiting on those Flying cars, or the ability to Orb, beam to somewhere or travel through time. Yeah I know only one out of those can happen. There is still hope though.
When we came back to the reality it is clear life has been fast. In the last thirty year we can now.... Talk on phones not attached to wall but to our hips......see folks through the air on our computers not attached to an outlet. Even take photos and send them immediately through the air to another person far away ( no more having to wait a week to develop).
Our Cars do not need keys to start anymore. A button can start it warm it and it can even drive its self. Everything we thought as kids was SyFy has come to our life. Even these post can be seem by folks around the world!! We can learn languages in our home or have our phone translated for us. So many things in such a short time.
This is how life travels in the fast lane... We need to cherrish this time, this time is will be gone before we know it. Just remember we need to keep up with the changes so we do not get left behind. Memories are good but the future is the key to Happiness and Sucess in Life. Hop on the fast lane and lets go.
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Tuesdays News. Family News.

In May we had a water supply line in the basement break. It flooded the whole basement. We had to have everything taking out and the walls cut out. The restoration took about a month to finish. During that time my dad got sick and I had to rush back to Virginia Beach to take care of him. We also had a Baby Shower for Heather ( she is like a Second Daughter). All of this went on at the same time. I ended up going between houses, my Dads and Mine to get things done. We were also working on the decks doing repairs. So as you can see that was a busy month.
June my father had a stroke. I had to rush to his home. He had an Broca's Aphasia stroke*. Which affected his Talking in finding words and part of his memory. It was a learning curve for the family. We all learned a lot about Aphasia Strokes. The result was Dad could not stay by himself for three months. He would undergo theraphy. That meant he was going to be with us til September. After all the therapy, which he did well, He decided he no longer wanted to live alone. Therefore He is now with us Full time. We are in the process of moving he in with us.
We have been working on both house trying to recouperate from the flood and preparing Dads house for closing up. He needed new windows, house painting and yard care. We have been downsizing the items in the houses at both locations. I have to admit he is much happier here at our home. Laughing and playing games with the family, visiting family and seeing the grand kids and great grand kids. We are busy at our home.
My daughter is still in college. This is her last year. I told her she did not have to work. So that means she is coming home more often. I like that! We can actually plan a holiday. We are going to South Carolina and Georgia in December.
Some other things that have happened are: Two more Babies have been added, an Uncle got married and I got to see a lot of the cousins I haven't seen in a long time. As you can see life goes on even with the changes that occur. I still have to say I am still a happy camper. Enjoying life. Looking forward to having my Dad in our lives. He is doing well and at 83 still getting around.
Below info on the type of Stroke Dad had:
- *Broca's
- "A type of nonfluent aphasia, so called because speech production is halting and effortful. Damage is typically in the anterior portion of the left hemisphere. The dominant feature is agrammatism (impaired syntax). Content words (nouns, verbs) may be preserved but sentences are difficult to produce due to the problems with grammar, resulting in "telegraphic speech." In its more severe form, spoken utterances may be reduced to single words. Comprehension is typically only mildly to moderately impaired, and impairments are primarily due to difficulty understanding complex grammar. Repetition of words and sentences is usually poor."
- this is from
Monday, May 11, 2015
Police Week 2015
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EOW 5-16-1961 |
It is hard to do this in just one week. So through the year there are camps and other support group to assist in the coping of the loss. As an Survivor I can tell you how hard it is. As only a child of 7 when he was taken, I never thought about it. But once I was older and realize that he never saw my brother born, or saw us graduate from school, college, get married and see the great grandchildren born. It became clear how the sudden death by a criminal hand affect the family left behind.
I am grateful for the COPS and American Police Hall of Fame and Museum. Though them I have been able to be involved in activities and deal with the lost of love ones.
My Mother was very involved in the FOP Aux and well as the Concerns of Police Survivors. She was in at the beginning of the COPS. Setting up chapters and assisting the fallen families in the Court and at home. I miss her in so many ways. However she prepared me to be a survivor and for that I am grateful.
Less we forget them so they did not die in vine but in service to their towns, states, counties and country. In this day of unrest for the Police departments. Their jobs are get harder and harder to do. The Law seems to be for the criminal more than the people hurt or killed. Police/Peace Officers jobs are in jeopardy. However we still have dedicated People who continue to service our Villages ,Towns and States. We will always remember the ones who gave their lives to Protect our Freedoms. Thank you for your service and In remembrance of the officers families.... We will always be there for the sacrifice of your family.
Monday, May 4, 2015
Monday News- A Full Start to 2015
To Start with My Father was diagnosed with Diabetes. We have been moving from Pills to Insulin to get it under control. we seen to finally have it at a good number. Although we had some trials along the way. I have been going between Virginia and Maryland for over a year. Now I go once a month for a few weeks to help him out. Doctor and health care appointments, and cleaning and doing some house repairs for him. He is doing better now, coming up on his 83rd birthday. I plan on have a small local family Party.
My Daughter is still in College. Finishing up her Junior year. We have been trying to see each other over the year. She is going in Pennsylvania. We are about 6 hours from her. Between her work and school, we do not get to see her that much. She does get to come home for a short time for time to time. With all the technology I do talk to her everyday by Skype, Texting, cell or Messaging. I keep up on things though Facebook. Love all this technology. How did I ever manage with out it, it seem like I have had it forever now.
Hubby has been working from home for a while now. A bit of change for me. Getting use to him being home and still doing my home business. The weather has taking a toll on him. With all this pollen, it has been hard for him the breathe.
Now for my Nieces and Nephews. Let see there has been three babies born and one still on the way. Two weddings last year. Critter is learning trumpet and he is doing well! Alex is playing Basketball, we got to see her play in Hampton Virginia. Soccer season is starting for Critter and Alex. So, there will be lots of games.
As for me...well... I have been working on the yard and house. Still managing my business. Plus been working on some new recipes for the cookbook site. We had some work done on the back yard last fall. looking good this season. I will be posting more on that on the yard and garden site.
As you can see we have been very busy. I hope to do some updates and traveling fun post this summer. Lots of things planned for me. Hope you will come back to see the going ons in my household.
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