Have been decorating the house for a party next week. I started decorating a few weeks ago. First the Tree went up. Then some outdoor lighting. It took me a while to get to the Kitchen and Solarium. Still working on them. Getting House Ready is fun, I turn on the holiday music and start moving.
Planning a Holiday party for this Friday. So Planning the Appetizers and drinks is on going. there is a show called the Chew, Love the show. They had some good ideas on the food side. I might try out the stuffed Mini potatoes. Looking for a good kid friendly punch now. Of course the Mulled Gluhwine is a must for the adults. Maybe even Spiced apple cider.
I hope the weather will be nice. Want to have the outdoor fires going. I will have to post the Photos of the house throughout the week. Thinking about featuring one room per day. I have six rooms that are holiday decked out. That will work out fine for the upcoming week.
Today I wanted to show the Hallway. It can cost a lot to purchase Holiday photos. I have been adding to mine each year. This year I had gone out to look a came back empty. With the ecomony tight, there was just nothing in my price range. Driving back home I got an idea from remembering a Germany friend. Every year she would use her own house pictures and deck them out. So, with a cost of about 2.50 per picture this is the results.
A Hall lined with Presents.

Now if you viewed the first photo, You noticed one of the photos is not hanging straight.
Well, That is because there is a noise maker attached.
Folks will want to straight it and it will make a glass break noise.
The tag says nice/ naughty.
Now if they straighten it the tag will says...
I just had to do something funny for the party.

The hall entrance view...
So your question......Are you planning a funny thing for the holiday?