We have had a sick household. Daughter not feeling well. Called for a appointment but our doctor could not get her in. I seem to never be able to get her in when she is sick. They seem to only have well appointments. This really frustrates me, what's the point of having a family doctor if one can never see them accept once a year, when you are well? Our medical here in America really sucks when it comes to this kind of illness. Hubby has been to the doctors several times and they tell him they can't find anything wrong. He has been illness for months and keeps relapsing. On with the story, So, I took daughter to a urgent care clinic. There the doctor said her tonsils looked okay. At that I told him she has no Tonsils! What a quack! He also said she was okay,maybe just needed to rest an offered a school absent letter. We came home and daughter went to bed and slept. Still with fever and sore throat.
Saturday, daughter made some valentines day cookies. Since the doctor said she was not contagious, her Boyfriend came over. Later we went to Critters Big Birthday party. He had a glow party at a "Pump It Up" place. This was the first time for me going to one of these. There we all were given glow necklace and bracelets. The lights were turned off and black lights with a disco ball type of red and blue light were turned on. We played on Blow up Equipment. Went down big slides, did obstacle courses and there was big Moon bounces. We all have fun, then it was cake and pizza time. It lasted until 9pm. We were so tired and it would have been a long drive home in the traffic. So,We stayed at the Sheraton. I will post photos on Wednesday. Wednesday is the big photo day here on this blog. Do drop by to view them.
Want to tell you about the Sheraton. When we arrived, there was an Armed Service Valentines banquet going on. Folks dressed up in their formal uniforms and formal dresses. It brought back good memories of our Army years. Was nice to see them having fun. The place was dressed up all Valentines like. Pink, red and white roses and balloons in the entrance hall. A coat checker working in the entrance. Oh, and daughter saw a couple making out in the side hall, now that's funny. But of course hubby and I never did that (wink).
Sunday we woke up went to breakfast and checked out. Folks were talking about the Party last night. they must have had fun. Then headed to church. Usually we get up at 7 am to go to church. But we were able to sleep in this Sunday. We were only blocks away from the church. Alex and her dad joined us for the service, it was nice. The full orchestra was playing with the full choir. The minister was back from Egypt. Was nice to see him and hear him again. We left for home right after church. Daughter was Still not feeling good, she slept the rest of the day. Went to school today said she needed to go, however if she still isn't doing well later, tomorrow she will stay home. I am going to try to get her in the see our doctors today or tomorrow.
Sunday hubby I watch a marathon of "Burn Notice". I have seen bits and pieces of it, but never from the beginning. Sometime it is good to watch a series in sequence.
I played CityVille a little. Still building my Bloggersville City. Put in a China town and a Love park, complete with a Day Spa and B&B. I am enjoying the game. If you play let me know I will add you to my Facebook and we can play together.
You can click on photo to enlarge for a closer view.

So how was your weekend?

Be sure to visit
Writer Cramps to see more Monday's Miss Marple. You never know when you need that Alibi!
I add this post to Blue Monday this week, you can see more Blue Photos at
Smiling Sally