101 Auntie E Street, Bloggersville, USA

101 Auntie E Street, Bloggersville, USA
Welcome, Back door is open, come in a sit Aspell..Let's talk...

Monday, February 28, 2011

Monday News-Slow and Easy...Spring fever here.

Our weekend was good. We really did not do much. I got out to prune some mums, getting them ready for their spring blooming. Noticed that I had some spring flower peeking through the ground. I'll be busy on my garden site soon, with the spring flowers appearing. Our weather has been great with early spring like temps.

Tried to go to the Mall. However it was so packed that there was no parking! So we just came home. Daughter had friend over and they made cookies. Of I think that was Friday, oh well the days just blended together.

Sunday we went to church as normal. Great service. Did not get to see family due to they were skiing in the mountains. Ate out at the Cheesecake Factory. Then home to enjoy a day of leisure. Watched a marathon of a navy serious "NCIS". The original one.

Today we are expecting a storm. Rain and thunder mostly. Maybe some winter type weather later this week. Although we are enjoying the warmer temps and the sun is shinning right now.

So, here is my Blue photo for this MondayPreparing the mind for the spring flowers
These are from last year
As seen in my garden.

So how was your weekend?

Be sure to visit Writer Cramps to see more Monday's Miss Marple. You never know when you need that Alibi!
I add this post to Blue Monday this week, you can see more Blue Photos at Smiling Sally

Friday, February 25, 2011

Friday Questions- Serious or Humor?

Some days I feel like a serious show watcher. Something like a Murder mystery or a True story. Then there are days I just want to laugh. That is the two sides of me.
Really do not know why I am like that. Married a funny guy, who loves to joke. At times I just can not handle the joking. But then again I find myself using his type of humor! What has gotten into me, Is it the 33 years together and now I am him!?
Oh well The Two will become one at some point.

So Today I am in the humor mode. I really have been there for sometime now. I guess it is because I am looking for the happy part of life. Trying to not be so serious in everything. It can be a downer to some folks. Trying to be more laid-back in my attitude.

So, shows like "Raymond" and "According to Jim" makes me laugh at family life. How funny things can look at times. I even love to watch The Defenders. Jim Belushi is so funny that it make this Lawyer show humorous as well as serious. Now I like the two( Serious and Humor) together. I think a good balance of the two is great to have.

So my Friday Question for you is.....

What is your fancy...Humor or Serious? Can you tell me why you like the one you choose?

Part of Aloha Friday Meme.
To see other questions follow this LINK to An Island Life.
There you will see other entries.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tuesday's News- A long weekend update

My weekend started on Thursday. Now that is a strange thing to write. Well you see it all started when My daughter was to not feel well. So on Wednesday afternoon after school, I took her to the doctors again. They could not find a known reason for her illness. She had some swollen glands. They took some test to rule out some things. So, while we wait for the results,she will have to rest.

Thursday she had a half day of school. Due to her illness she did not go. This is not normal for her. Friday there was no school, a day for her to rest up. We stayed home, trying to get her to rest. The weather was great in the 70's and so the outdoors was calling. Promised her we would go to the mall on Saturday. Hoping she would be feeling better and wishing this is only a Winter virus.

Saturday as I promised her, we went to the mall. We really wasn't there long when she told us she wanted to go home. Just not feeling good. So we went back home. The weather was still Spring like. She has been bummed out that she could not enjoy this so called heat wave. We sat around and watch some TV.

Sunday she still wasn't feeling great. We stayed home. Later that day we went out to eat . She still wasn't feeling good. Ate a little and brought the rest home. We watched this Ice Truckers show. A very interesting series, the family enjoyed watching it.

Monday, School was still out, due to President Day. Hubby and I went back to the Mall. I had purchase a couple things on Saturday that I had to return. Then Hubby and I went to see "Unknown." . What a great Flick. Be looking for my review on Auntie E's Reviews site. Our daughter went to a friends house. However she still wasn't feel well so we picked her up and brought her home. The doctors office called and told me the tests were negative. I spoke with the doctor later that evening. We decided to take her in later on Tuesday to get blood drawn for more test.

So here we are Tuesday, No school, due to the snow storm. Will be calling the doctors office. They do not open until the afternoon. She really lucks out due to most of the days during her illness there has been no school to miss. Today the sun is out and melting the snow. Trucks have been down our road plowing and it looks good for the trip to the doctors office.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Fridays Question- That Early Spring Feeling

We have been enjoying this warmer weather , one more day of it here. Then the cold returns and maybe some snow. I have a little feeling of Spring fever. You know the kind , When I want to get out and work those garden plots. Last year I was not able to do it, Due to a Broken Arm. Today I will get out there and work my new herb garden. Looking forward to that garden. I have a great big area that needs to be revamped.

That got me thinking, Are you starting or working on a garden? If not, what would you love to see in My garden?

Part of Aloha Friday Meme.
To see other questions follow this LINK to An Island Life.
There you will see other entries.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

WW- Critters Birthday Fun

Interested in wordless Wednesday?
Check out this Link to sign up.

When some of us blogger need to just add words on Wednesday's post. Surf over to Parenting by Dummies to join the Wordful Wednesday group.

need to talk.....Join in the Wednesday fun...
at SuperMom .

Critters Birthday was on Superbowl Sunday. That made it not a great day to celebrate with his friends. So last weekend he got to have a big party at "Pump It UP". It was a Glow Party. The lights were off and we all wore glow jewelry. Black lights were on. Here are some of the highlights.

One of the big slides

Hubby got in on the fun also...

Love this one...
the little Blue Man...

King of the party. Critter

Now a couple videos. of the Glow Party.

If you have a wednesday post, you may link up here,after your comment. This makes it easier to visit the folks who visit me and I will comment on your post, if you comment on mine. No spam please, I will delete it. Happy WW.

1. Stacy Uncorked  3. GrammyMouseTails  
2. There's Always Thyme to Cook  4. Red Lotus Mama *LINKY*  

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Monday, February 14, 2011

Monday News- Our weekend update.

We have had a sick household. Daughter not feeling well. Called for a appointment but our doctor could not get her in. I seem to never be able to get her in when she is sick. They seem to only have well appointments. This really frustrates me, what's the point of having a family doctor if one can never see them accept once a year, when you are well? Our medical here in America really sucks when it comes to this kind of illness. Hubby has been to the doctors several times and they tell him they can't find anything wrong. He has been illness for months and keeps relapsing. On with the story, So, I took daughter to a urgent care clinic. There the doctor said her tonsils looked okay. At that I told him she has no Tonsils! What a quack! He also said she was okay,maybe just needed to rest an offered a school absent letter. We came home and daughter went to bed and slept. Still with fever and sore throat.

Saturday, daughter made some valentines day cookies. Since the doctor said she was not contagious, her Boyfriend came over. Later we went to Critters Big Birthday party. He had a glow party at a "Pump It Up" place. This was the first time for me going to one of these. There we all were given glow necklace and bracelets. The lights were turned off and black lights with a disco ball type of red and blue light were turned on. We played on Blow up Equipment. Went down big slides, did obstacle courses and there was big Moon bounces. We all have fun, then it was cake and pizza time. It lasted until 9pm. We were so tired and it would have been a long drive home in the traffic. So,We stayed at the Sheraton. I will post photos on Wednesday. Wednesday is the big photo day here on this blog. Do drop by to view them.

Want to tell you about the Sheraton. When we arrived, there was an Armed Service Valentines banquet going on. Folks dressed up in their formal uniforms and formal dresses. It brought back good memories of our Army years. Was nice to see them having fun. The place was dressed up all Valentines like. Pink, red and white roses and balloons in the entrance hall. A coat checker working in the entrance. Oh, and daughter saw a couple making out in the side hall, now that's funny. But of course hubby and I never did that (wink).

Sunday we woke up went to breakfast and checked out. Folks were talking about the Party last night. they must have had fun. Then headed to church. Usually we get up at 7 am to go to church. But we were able to sleep in this Sunday. We were only blocks away from the church. Alex and her dad joined us for the service, it was nice. The full orchestra was playing with the full choir. The minister was back from Egypt. Was nice to see him and hear him again. We left for home right after church. Daughter was Still not feeling good, she slept the rest of the day. Went to school today said she needed to go, however if she still isn't doing well later, tomorrow she will stay home. I am going to try to get her in the see our doctors today or tomorrow.

Sunday hubby I watch a marathon of "Burn Notice". I have seen bits and pieces of it, but never from the beginning. Sometime it is good to watch a series in sequence.
I played CityVille a little. Still building my Bloggersville City. Put in a China town and a Love park, complete with a Day Spa and B&B. I am enjoying the game. If you play let me know I will add you to my Facebook and we can play together.

You can click on photo to enlarge for a closer view.

So how was your weekend?

Be sure to visit Writer Cramps to see more Monday's Miss Marple. You never know when you need that Alibi!
I add this post to Blue Monday this week, you can see more Blue Photos at Smiling Sally

Friday, February 11, 2011

Fridays Question.-February celebrations.

February, A month of Love so they say. It is said that this month was created by the Card companies to sell cards. So be it, according to my way of thinking. I love getting the special treatment for my hubby. This got me thinking;

What is your thought on this special month?
Do you like Valentines Day?
Do you just do something on the 14th or are you a month celebration person?

We are a month celebration household. It starts February the first and last until the 28th. After all it's the shortest month of the year. It's the coldest month here also. So all those gifts and loving duties are so much enjoyed. Bring on the chocolate and flowers, Let's brighten up the home.

Part of Aloha Friday Meme.
To see other questions follow this LINK to An Island Life.
There would will see other entries.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Monday News- Two in one

My weekend was filled with two big things. A Birthday and the Superbowl party.
On Saturday my daughter had her boyfriend over. They played some board games and took a walk. The weather cleared up for that.. It rained most of the day. Temps were in the upper 40's, felt good after the low teens.

I baked cupcakes for a cup cake pyramid Birthday cake for Critter. He turned seven on Sunday. It is hard to believe he is that old now. We picked up hubby car from the shop. Now his Christmas gift is complete. I got him a auto-starter with a grandiose alarm and all the whistle. After finding out that the modular was bad and was the reason it would not work. He is enjoying it now, started it up this morning. He is happy to be in a warmed up car now.

Sunday was the Superbowl, Well the Green Bay Packers Won. I knew they would. Onto our day. Went to church, attended the 9am service and then home to cook and clean for company. Critter and family were coming over. It was Critters 7th Birthday. Oh he is really growing up. We had a Quick Superbowl meal and then it was Party time. Critter blew out the candles and opened gifts. It was just the family in attendance,that was nice. Here are some photos...

Now the guys watched the football game and my SIL,the kids and I watched "Underdog" a Disney movie. I really like that movie. Hadn't seen it since it came out a few years back. I remember watching the Cartoon as a kid. Love the phrase..."There's no need to fear, Underdog is here!" Oh yeah that brings back memories.

So how was your weekend?

Be sure to visit Writer Cramps to see more Monday's Miss Marple. You never know when you need that Alibi!
I add this post to Blue Monday this week, you can see more Blue Photos at Smiling Sally

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

WW-Night Tubing in the Mountians

Interested in wordless Wednesday?
Check out this Link to sign up.

When some of us blogger need to just add words on Wednesday's post. Surf over to Parenting by Dummies to join the Wordful Wednesday group.

need to talk.....Join in the Wednesday fun...
at SuperMom .

Wisp night time view

Tubing hills are clean and ready

Machine used to smooth out the hills

Ready ..Set..

Well she went down the hills and then continued down the walk way.
It was very cold that evening, temps in the single digits.

all bundled up.

My wednesday link is open to all wednesday post, whether wordless or wordful. I know some of us just have trouble not sharing our thoughts. Although sometimes wordless is good, lets the imagination fly. Happy wednesday all, please comment before linking, thanks. I do delete spam URLs!

1. Stacy Uncorked  4. Hobo Mama w/Linky  7. Reverse Cell Phones  
2. Russ W/Linky  5. Momma Jorje  8. GrammyMsTails *linky  
3. NPN w/Linky  6. Josep  9. CoffeeJitters  

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