Opening the pool was a challenge. After vacuuming it out on Thursday, Friday I noticed that I need to vacuuming again. There has been so many raining storms lately that it has put a lot of debris in the pool. Hubby was helping me when he broke the pump switch. We had to go to the pool store to get a new pump. It was late, almost closing time. Purchase a new one and got it home. It was the wrong one. So back to the store before it closes to return it. Found out that I could get the switch repair. The sales guy showed me how to remove the switch plate, Also told us where to go to get it repaired. Looked at a 2 speed pump, it would save us money on energy. thinking about get one later. After this one goes.
Saturday I took the switch plate off and we went to the place the sales guy told us. They informed us they no longer keep the part in store. Would have to order the whole part, cost about 70.00. Problem is that we have order from them before and it takes a long time, weeks to get parts in. They order out of the west coast. So we went to a parts place I knew of. The manager told us they can not find out about the part until Monday and would not be able to just get the switch.
So I took the switch out, fixed it to run continuously and plugged the pump into a switch control box I had a home. The now it works for me! I was able to finish the pool and hubby and I put the ladder in. Had to do some adjustments to the ladder. Now it is the best it has ever been, very sturdy. Finished around 12:20pm. Wanted to jump in cloth and all. However daughter had a recital at 3 and needed to be there by 2 to run through with the pianist.The recital went well.
After the recital we came home and into the pool! It was nice, first time in it for the season. My sprained foot felt okay in to pool. However it has been sore lately. Need to wear the brace more. swelling is down now. A photo for Blue Monday, It's our pool!

We decided to order out since daughter report card can in. Good grades, three A's, three B's and one C. Over all she did well, received a 3.29 grade point average. The C was in a class she struggled with the teacher. Even the girl from the country of language struggled with the teacher! Just seemed strange Lyd would get an honor award for the language with in the school district and receive a C in the class. Most students didn't even get above that. Well she will not be taking it again next year. Due to the same teacher.
I am glad school is out. It will mean some done time for her and the family. We do have some things planed. However it should be a relaxing summer for us.
Sunday we got to see the Critter and family. It has been awhile due to our schedules. We had lunch together and planned out the fourth activities. Next week end should be a lot of fun.
Critter and Lyd

So how was your weekend?

Be sure to visit
Writer Cramps to see more Monday's Miss Marple. You never know when you need that Alibi!
I add this post to Blue Monday this week, you can see more Blue Photos at
Smiling Sally